☞︎ Chapter One ☜︎

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TW: None

„Hey! It's me again!", Lucy said to her viewers, „The duck is back for another stream and chat listen: I just got my bachelor's degree in psychology". She might be just 19 years old, but her parents decided she should start school a year earlier and then was told to skip a year. She could brag about it, but she didn't like to, people seem to think it's enough of a brag to even talk about it. 

„Hello guys, how are y'all doing today, tonight or whenever?" Lucy continued. She was a streamer. She streamed mostly Minecraft or whatever she was thinking of, but always alone, since she didn't have so many friends.


Could be better


My day was meh, had better ones...

„Well for those who didn't have the best days, I hope I'll be abled to brighten it a little! Because today you all can participate, we will play gartic phone and media shares are on, so let's roll and have our fun!"

And she and nine other watchers did just that. They had a lot of fun. She always liked streaming with her viewers and even though she recognized a few that had been there from the start, she could never let herself build a friendship with them. She just preferred reading books, listening to music or staring at a wall, sunken in her thoughts.

Just barely over the three hour mark, she wrapped her stream up. "Alright guys, I am very sorry, but I still have some things to do and Dad already wrote me four times, so I think I need to vanish. Peace out, we'll see each other soon!" With that she clicked the "end stream" button.

„Luce, please come down it's 8pm already, we wanna eat, we're hungry!", her father called from downstairs. She yelled "On my way" as she ran downstairs.

"We're heating the left overs from the lunch up again, so you'll get to enjoy dad's all that famous and your favourite potato soup.", her mum said, handing her the bowl.

They all sat down to eat together. "How did your stream go? Had fun?", her dad asked. He has always been supportive, everytime she'd thank him for buying me something she needed for any hobby, he would always reply "That's what I am a dad for, support you and help you achieve any dream you dream of!"

"The stream went well, as always generous and kind people.", she said, smiling at him. "But never forget that you have no clue who is sitting behind the username you see!", her mother warned. She was the boomer in this family. The internet is evil and every username you see online is someone who wants to use you for something. "I won't forget", Lucy assured her. Her mother wasn't that fond of her streaming, though her mother never said it, Lucy knew.

Putting the bowls in the dishwasher, Lucy turned to her dad, "You absolutely do have to write down how you make these soups, they are terribly delicious." "Those are two words that definetly should not be used together, but I will write in down and give it to you by the time you move out, deal?", he held his fist out. "Deal", Lucy said, fistbumping him.

She yawned as she walked upstairs. It was only 8:30pm, but she went to bed.

After waking up at 2 am realising going to bed that early may have been a mistake.

She exactly knew what to do, she quickly put on black sweatpants and a hoodie, her every-day and go-to outfit, walking over to the PC she built with her Dad at 14.

She may be scared of Minecrafts night, Nether and anything that could possibly harm her, but at least she could build quite okay and redstone wasn't a big problem either.

Lucy logged onto a server, it was an english one, though the community was nearly fully european. And as you would expect at 2 am not many people were on the server.

She visited her Homeplot it was a 18 by 18 square fully filled with efficient farms, a little mid-age hut and a few animals.

As she went to farm all the stuff and trading it for other items, somebody came by. It was a skin in a yellow sweater, looking at her home plot full of builds.

MissDuck Hey :)
WilburSoot Hey! Are you on the Discord server?
MissDuck Yeah, you wanna talk?
WilburSoot Would be cool if you could join me, ofc you don't need to!
MissDuck I'd love to talk :)

She joined VC3 on the Discord and it didn't take too long until someone else joined.

"Hello", Lucy said. "Hey", a masculine, british voice answered, "What are you still doing online it's 2 am and people normally sleep at this time?"

"Back-out-question: If people normally sleep at this time, why are you awake?", she asked.

"Touché", he chuckled, but adding, "but honestly, why are you awake?"

"I was really exhausted yesterday so I went to bed early and just woke up like a few minutes ago", she truthfully answered, "What about you?" "Oh, I was streaming, I stream a little bit on twitch"

"I also stream on twitch that's cool. I never met someone who also streams!", Lucy beamed. "That's indeed cool, do you mind giving me your name on twitch?" "Sure! It's actually just the same as here", she said.

They talked for a while. Getting to know each other a little more. Actually they spent more than an hour talking about streaming, guitars, which turned out to be a common interest, besides music. Lucy was amazed when he told her he makes his own music, she might have written the one or another lyric, but it was never more than that, she was happy to just be a listener of music, rather than a creator.

For her it was unexpectedly easy to talk to him. Wilbur. He was sympathetic to her and she really hoped she made a friend as they said their goodbyes.

And at least on discord, she did accept his friend request.

Lucy tried to go to sleep again, which might have been another mistake.

But it turned out to be completely fine as she woke up at 12 the same day.

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