Dog days

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It had been almost two weeks if you remember since the apocalypse started. The day at the diner Merle had driven you to your house so dad could get his hunting supplies and you grabbed some clothes and things you needed along with food and water, lots of water. After that you loaded up your uncle's truck with dads motorcycle and got all the resources you could from the house along with photo album. Dad said he got them for you to always remember what mom looked like but you couldn't help but feel it was a bit for him too.

You guys had driven for miles to Atlanta just to find out it was too late and hundreds of biters where roaming around. " Biters" is what you call the virus that infects the dead, it makes them violent and mean. Dad said for me to tell him if one ever bit me or scratched me, I'm pretty sure if I get hurt by one I'll become one of em. After awhile of camping out a group found us in the woods, they told dad their camped near a old rock quarryy. Dad had followed with them while me and uncle Merle stayed in the tree line, dad told him too and if he didn't come back by sun down that he wasn't coming back. But I felt like I could trust them well at least the old man, I hadn't talked to him but I saw him and I knew he saw me... He didn't say nothing though you figured he was nice when he gave you a quick smile and turned that attention to dad. Luckily dad had come back along with a bigger guy you'd learned was named Shane and a lean guy named Glenn, dad had called to you "Alright Merle you can come out now!" Uncle Merle was hesitant but jumped down out of a tree we where set in. "Yeah I heard you walking bout 100 yards that way.." he said getting himself set straight. It scared Glenn you could tell he jumped back a bit and looked at the distance to be just as shocked when he saw you perched looking down at him. Dad came below you in the tree and held his arms out along with Merle on the other side to make sure you didn't bust your head open. But dad caught you in a princess type carry and set you back on your feet, "that was scary dad.." you sigh as you feel your heartbeat rise a bit. "Yeah it's a bit scary, but fun ain't it little man" dad said putting his hand on your head, "well... I'm not dead so yeah it was really fun!" You smiled up at him. "I don't mean to intrude on this little moment you're having but we have to go so we're not getting back at sun down." The bigger man said, you gave him a nasty look and he began walking. The group of you walked for what you guessed to be 6 miles, when you finally arrived the sun was about gone and you sat down in pain at the first sign of stop you got.

You where properly introduced to everyone and you got to meet the old man. "Hey it's you." He said when meeting face to face, Glenn questioned "what do you mean by that?" Turning over to him. "I'd seen the little boy in the tree line along with him" he pointed at Merle, Glenn's face contoured into confusion and said "wait so you'd seen them and didn't bother to mention it to anyone?". "Well we all have someone we need to protect you know. I figured Daryl was protecting these two.." he shrugged, Glenn didn't make any comments after that you could see he understood or just didn't care anymore.

That brings you to where you are now that took place a couple of days ago and you've been introduced to everyone. There's two kids your age Carl and Sophia, she looks a bit older than you but Carl is the same age and grade as you. You thought he looked like a preppy privileged boy so you didn't talk to him, so did Sophia but her mom was alright. She cleaned yours and dads clothes, so you thought she was alright.. even though the zombie apocalypse is still happening you still got educated like you would at normal school. You thought it was bullshit but didn't argue because you knew it made dad happy that you where still going to school. Carl seemed to always need help with school though you thought he was brain damaged or something.. one day as his mom Lori if you remembered was teaching us something about math you couldn't give a damn about. "Then how do I get four of that but not this?" Carl said quickly jumping his pencil across the paper in one fluid motion, Sophia perked up "yeah I'm lost too..". You couldn't believe how they weren't understanding this, it was all so easy to you how could it not be for these two? "What are you brain dead?" You scoffed out, the pair turned in your direction in looks of confusion "what is that supposed to mean?" Carl said defensive. You leaned over towards them " well you've been doing the same thing for 3 days and still don't get it and you" turned over to Sophia now "are 2 grades above us how stupid can you get?" You spat out at her. "And you get this?" Sophia yelled back, you paused before a response "yeah because I'm not fucking stupid like some of us!", "What do you know you're just some worthless hick! That what my dad calls you and your stupid family!" Sophia's words hit like a steel knife and you watched tears well in her eyes as she walked away. "I can't believe she's the one walking away.." you muttered out, without a moment pass quickly Lori snatched you up by your shirt and dragged you over to dad who was distracted with something "let go of me!" You screamed while she walked you over. As soon as you could get free you got out and ran over to dad, Lori followed behind and you saw Carl's eyes fall on you in pity. You hated the way he was looking at you, you felt ashamed of yourself because of that look. "Daryl you need to teach your son some manners before I let him back into the majority class." She scoffed as she held her arms crossed between one another. Dad paused looking at you then responded to Lori "what happened?" Dad said patiently but you knew he was irritated with you and you where going to in serious trouble. "Well he was rude to the other kids for not understanding today's lessions.." she said more calmly collected. He only responded with a small "mhm.." and looked me in the eye with a stern look one dad had never given you before. "Well I'll leave you to punish your son as you see fit." She said walking away back to Carl.

Dad looked back at what he was doing, he was messing with his bike and the pair of you sat in silence. You knew dad was angry he didn't say anything or look anywhere after Lori left but continued working. "After I'm done with this we're going on a walk. Sit your ass down and don't do anything until I'm finished" he pointed to a place on the ground and you swifty moved yourself over and sat down. You where terrified at what dad might do or say, he never beat on you or anything like that he barely yelled or touched you unless it was to joke around or show his love for you. But you where most scared for how dad would see you, I mean you're supposed to be his little man, he fighter... Not someone he doesn't like or want around. Dad finished and helped you stand to your feet and the pair of you walked into the woods as you felt eyes stare into you.

Eventually you got deep enough no one could hear you, dad stopped in his tracks and you where really scared and tears formed into the corners of your eyes but you'd be damned if you let them fall. "What the hells the matter with you?!" Dad yelled. He waited for a response but all he got back was your rose red face of embarrassment darting towards to floor. "Everyone heard you, I hope you're damn aware of that..." His stern voice echoed into the trees, the silence was unbearable and it was quickly broken by the dam opening and the tears began to fall. It was at this point you realize how upset dad really was with you, dad had never talked to you with so much anger in his voice it felt like a scorched desert coming over you. Dad squats down to your height and held his hands on both sides of your face exposing your shame and  embarrassment. "I'm so sorry-" is all you could mutter out your throat felt so tight and cut off it hurt to speak anything else. Dad gave you a warm embrace "I know Babycakes, I know you are.." his voice softened to a whisper and you melted into dad.

After dad had gotten you to calm down you walked around and dad convinced you to apologize to not only Sophia but also Carl. "I know you're upset and frustrated.. you have every right to be. But so do Carl and Sophia they're both equally sad and scared as you honey bun.." dad exhaled deeply as you two reached the top of the hill. " You have to apologize to them no exceptions" he laughed and you stayed silent.. "I know.." is all you could let out, dads laugh faded and the silence was back but a lot less awkward more comfortable. "I'm not mad at you.. well I am but I don't hate you shortcake. I just wish you understand that you're not the only going through this.." he gently put his arm around your shoulder. He was warm and the half hug was inviting, "I just wish... You wouldn't act so casual about it dad! I'm so scared all the time, I don't want to die dad. But I'm so scared all the time and that's all I think!" You said looking up at him with some aggression. Dad looked shocked by your words then a sorrowful look fell on his face, he didn't say anything just held you in that half hug for a bit. When you finally got back to camp you looked for Sophia but couldn't find her so decided to find Carl first. You found him in the camper with Dale the old man, "hey Carl..." You said making eye contact with him. "What do you want? Are you here to call me stupid again?" He shot at you, you felt hurt but it was deserved on your part. "no I wanted to apologize.. I'm sorry for calling you stupid and if it helps I went to a private school so that's probably why I'm so ahead of you..." You say sympathetically standing in the middle of the RV. He looked at you as if you where lying but after a bit his face softened and he came over to you. "Well that's alright, and maybe I am a bit stupid.." he laughed, he walked up to you and gave you a hug but he was much smaller more lean then you. It freaked you out nobody other than family has ever gave you a hug, "What are you doing?!" You pushed him away. He looked at you confused and replied " I'm giving you a hug because I accept your apology?", "Well only family gives hugs or when people are together like mom's and dads! Are you trying to get with me or something!?" You yell out in fear. "what no! I don't like boys!" He yelled out, you got an idea and went along with it playfully "I think you do like boys!" You yell out in giggles. "What do not!" He shoots back, you quickly ran out of the RV and started running around yelling "Carl likes boys!, Carl likes boys!" He chased after you yelling in denial. People where laughing at your shenanigans and you where too, finally Carl caught up to you and tackled you down holding you in hand cuff position. "Ahhh get off!" You giggled and sadly attempted to get him off, you knew if you wanted to you could knock him off but you decided to let him have this.

You where finally apart of a group of people that cared about you and it was this moment more than ever that made you realize that. You eventually apologized to Sophia and she accepted it. And then you really felt like apart of a community of people who actually gave a shit about you and dad.

Baby Cakes (Male reader × Carl from the walking Dead)Where stories live. Discover now