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"Mika '' Max called out worried, going over to check him, He was still unconscious but it didn't seem like he was bleeding which he hoped was a good sign making sure he hadn't was still breathing, He released a breath he didn't realize he was holding he felt his breath but was still worried and didn't want to touch him in case his body still contained the electricity he did, however, notice a burn mark on his hand presumably from the electric shock which he hoped wasn't too serious.

"Turn off all the electricity for the stage and call an ambulance," Tim said, concerned-looking over at Max then worried if Mika was okay. "He's still breathing and there's no sign of blood but I can see that his hand is burnt, " He says letting Tim know as one of the sound engineers called 911. "Go find Paloma; I think She was in his dressing room, I'll stay with him and call Andy he'll need him when he wakes' ' Max Suggested to which Tim nodded heading off stage.

"What did you even do?" Tim Glared at the sound manager as he walked off hoping that Mika wouldn't be seriously injured.

Tim soon knocked on Mika's dressing room.

"Come in" She called out as Tim walked out but soon paled when she saw his expression
"What happened?" She asked worried about her brother.

"The sound has been off all day and they must have reset it or changed something too much which caused Mika to get an electric shock I think He was being stubborn and trying to ignore it but He fell and hit his head against the piano" Tim explain to his sister knowing that she would be the most scared but also understanding.

"Is...is he awake?" She asked, concerned as she followed Tim back to the stage her mind sick with worry, having no idea of how he would be or how she could help, She wondered if this was the same things Mika had thought once however hoped he would be fine and they wouldn't need to worry as they had worried for her.

"Not yet, Max is with him calling Andy now and some of the crew are calling an ambulance," Tim told him honestly.

She nodded but didn't say anything. "Have you called Andy or Father or anyone else ?"

"Max is calling Andy. I'm not sure about your father. I left to find you." Tim says honestly.

"What the Hell happened" Paloma glared once they arrived at sound.

"The sounds had problems all days especially with the microphone so we reset it and changed the outage we didn't expect this to happen.'' The Manager said looking over at Mika frowning.

"Of course, you didn't but my brother is still unconscious because of your stupidity," She said angry but knew it was just an accident no one was trying to harm him. But she still had to let her anger out at someone. She soon headed over to the stage looking over at her brother.

"How is he?" Paloma asked Max "Have you managed to reach Andy?

"I've left a message but He's not answering. Mika said he was in an important meeting about the project today." Max sighs "Mika still hasn't woken up but he's breathing which is the important thing and the ambulance should be here soon," Max said hoping everything would be okay.

Paloma was about to speak when she noticed Mika move slightly waking up.
"Where am I? " He mumbled confused while looking around looking at Max not noticing Paloma "Who are you?" He asked

"I'm a friend, " He says simply hoping this was just him being disorientated from waking up

"Mika it's me, Paloma your safe don't worry, " She says hoping that he was fine and just needed a few moments to recover "Pammy," He says softly but confused tilting his head however the next words soon sent a chill through their spine "I don't understand what's happening, Where's Mum I need mummy. "

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