Superwoman - Sudden Beheading

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"Fuck it. Turn him over." one of the men ordered

The four men also turned Clara's position so that she was on her back facing up right in the direction of the blade's eye. Once again, they did the same process by pressing the lever of the guillotine. The blade fell down and hit Clara's front neck. Still, it was unable to behead her, or even scratch her neck. It stopped right at Clara's neck.

"Damn it. What are you? Kill her now with anything you have." their boss orders

Simultaneously, the four men took a knife or sharp machete. In unison the four of them stabbed their respective sharp weapons, trying to stab Clara right in her stomach.

However, to the horror of the men, nothing happened. Their sharp weapons was unable to penetrate Clara's stomach, instead it crumpled when hitting Clara's body, only gave a small tear in Clara's clothes. They felt like they had just pierced a hard rock. Still on her back, Clara opened her eyes. A heroic smirk appeared in her eyes as she rose from her supine position.

"Tsk tsk tsk. My boys, don't you know it's dangerous to play around with those big knives" Clara said as if advising all the men.


"Well well, you should know I'm stronger than I look boy" said Clara, taunting them


"Wow, another bad word that I hate." said Clara

With ease, Clara shattered the ropes that bound her hands and the handcuffs that bound her legs before jumping up and standing up straight, crossing her arms over her chest.

The five men were shocked to see Clara's strength.

"Well well, if you guys really want to know who I am, I guess it's okay to let you know now." said Clara with a little smile.

Clara then took off her glasses and undid her hair bun, letting her jet black hair down before grabbing the hem of her shirt.

"You ready?" asked Clara in firm and deep tone

In unison, the five men nodded their heads in front of Clara.

"Well you asked for it. I am..." Clara stopped her talking as she ripped open her blouse so fast that the buttons flying off everywhere 

"SUPERWOMAN" said Clara in firm and reassuring tone as she revealed her familiar large "S" symbol which engraved on her two unusually large, meaty, and proudly jutting breasts, stretching her leotard fabric costume into two tantalizingly perfect and seductive swells. The five men were speechless and shocked by what they saw in front of them. Clara had not finished yet as she let the men see her transformation. She quickly removed her shirt completely, lowering down her skirt, and kicking off her shoes.

"I'm done. Thanks for waiting, kid," he said as he dropped the last piece of his clothes on the floor, before placing his hands on his hips. Clara Kent, now stands tall and proud of her true identity. A woman with a tall and stunning body, full of mighty muscles and beautiful curves. Everything was covered by skintight dark blue leotard costume. Her proudly jutting breasts puffed out proudly accentuating her large "S" symbol. To the bottom, two athletic and powerful looking legs with muscular thighs and calves, in tight dark blue leggings. Her ample asset, a big sexy buttons quite evident, wrapped by a tight red briefs. A pair of red boots and long red cape complete her appearance as the woman we really know. A tight costumed crusader, the big-breasted superheroine, the Woman of Steel, Superwoman.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS SUPERWOMAN?" said one of the MenSuperwoman, hands on hips, ample bosoms proudly thrusting out sighs."Well, I guess you really don't know who I am since I've never been to French before."Then in an instant, Superwoman dissapeared in her super speed, causing a big blue blur."Hey, where is that bitch?" said the man"Ahem, I really hate that word" said Superwoman who was already right behind them.Their reflexes both look back, but only to be blown by Superwoman's super breath causing them to be thrown far back."Super breath, checked" said Superwoman with proud smirkThe five men fell down when they hit the wall, due to the Maiden of Might's super breath. Still with a headache, one of them angrily took a gun from his pocket."FUCK YOU and YOUR STUPID TIGHT COSTUME, BITCH. NOW DIE" he said. His fellow men followed suit by picking up their own guns, targeting the Woman of Steel which still stood calmly.Simultaneously, the five men pressed the triggers of their pistols, spewing bullets that aimed straight at Superwoman. However, this is no ordinary woman. All the bullets just bounced off the heroine's stunning and muscular body giving her no harm and scratch. Still puffing out her proudly big bosoms, the bullets made her two large breasts slightly shuddered in sensuous and seductive motion."Invulnerability, checked. Bulletproof boobs, checked" said Superwoman with smiling as she started walking towards the men. Arriving right in front of the men who had run out of bullets, Superwoman quickly activated her heat vision, her eyes glowing red and fired a hot laser straight at all of their guns."FUCK. HURT" said the men"Heat vision, checked" said Superwoman with a proud smileSuperwoman then lowered her head slightly before using her arms to grabbed the collar of the men, easily lifting them up into the air. The five men were frightened while begging."Super strength, checked" said Superwoman"Okay guys. I guess you readily know who I am after those demonstrations, right? I am Superwoman, the defender of truth and justice in this world. You understand?" Superwoman said firmly"Yes" the five people said in unison"Yes what?" said the heroine"Yes, Superwoman" said the men"Nice. Now you know it" said Superwoman, still lifting them up in the airSuperwoman immediately threw the five people on the floor."Listen Boys. First, I suggest you to stop your stupid community unless I will act tough next. Understood?""Yes, Superwoman" said the men"Last, don't ever mess up with woman with big "S" on her chest" said Superwoman while pointing her big breast"NOW GO BEFORE I CHANGED MY MIND" snapped Woman of SteelIt didn't take long for the five people to rush out of the museum building.Superwoman, smiling with pride, stepped slowly to her pile of clothes. She took it before turning to us, smirking. She then went to another room, redressing.----"Clara, what a report." praise Jimmy"Thanks, Jimmy," said Clara"I guess you'd better go alone if you want to make a great writing" said Jimmy"Oh don't say that Jimmy. We'll never know the dangers of being left alone." said ClaraClara turned to us, lowering down her glasses, giving us a knowing wink.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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