𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

Comincia dall'inizio

„I will show you all the floors and explain you what we're doing in which room and so on. I guess you've already seen a lot at the Daniells company but I want you to integrate you into our team as good as everyone else."

I stood up and took a turn with my heels Onika right behind me. I stepped into the elevator pushing the buttons so I could show her all the floors. Of course I wasn't going to explain all the 60 floors but I just want her to have an overview of everything.

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When our little trip ended, I sent her to her office while going to mine and closing the door.

„Hey mom" I answered my phone as I read the ID.
„Hey honey, how have you been, what are you doing?" she questioned and I smiled.

„I'm at work mom, what are you doing?"
„Just doing my yoga and some stuff. I'm helping Solange with her work sometimes. Are you overworking yourself again baby?"

„Ma' I'm not. Everything runs perfect, I also got a new worker from the Daniells." I told her and she gasped.

„Since when are you in contact with Richard and Fioma?"
„Actually it was a one time thing and I scored by meeting them. They gave me one of the best architects they had. Onika Tanya Maraj. Classy huh?"

„Sounds impressive Beyoncé. How is she?"

„She's good, very good. Very creative. I've never seen drawings like hers before. That's something I've always wanted. And I know both of them are gonna give in with the price I negotiated." I said trough my teeth.

„Of course. Money. Beyoncé even though we know Fiona and Richard for a long time, the business will always be the first place in their life. They are friendly and helpful but they can be manipulative and evil. Your father could handled that good."

„I know ma' but I can be like that too. I made a good price for the idea and for our company to have Ms. Maraj."

„I know baby, just be careful alright?" my mom said a bit concerned and I already started to regret telling her so many details.

Remember, less details Beyoncé.

„I will mama, I'll call you later also I'm going to see you and Solo tomorrow. I'll pick you up at three we're having lunch together."

„Alright baby, I'll see you soon. Bye." I hung up before I called Onika into my office.

A knock was heard a few seconds later.

„Come in" I yelled as I saw Onika closing the door entering my office.

„You called me Ms. Knowles" she said as she stood there facing me straight.

„Take a seat Onika"

She did as I said crossing her legs.


„Onika I want to talk about your salary. I guess you got good money at the Daniells?" I said writing some things on my paper.

„I could say it was quite good, yeah."

„I don't wanna know how much at all but over six thousand?" I questioned and she gulped.

„I-It was a bit less then six" she answered and my eyes widened.

„Alright. It's gonna be nine for the first month and for next ones I'll increase your salary's. I hope you're fine with that."

„Nine...thousands?" she questioned again and I looked up at her and nodded.
„Yes, is there a problem Ms. Maraj?" I questioned looking straight into her eyes.

„N-No, that's perfect, thank you Ms. Knowles" she said with a smile.
„Good, now go back to work" I commanded.

Before she closed the door, her voice raised.

„Ms. Knowles, should I pass you by the sketches I made today? I already did some of them online so I can also E-Mail you the rest."

„E-Mail me the ones you have online and the rest you can leave on James desk."

„Alright, have a great day"
„You too Ms. Maraj" I replied as I continued to focus on my laptop while I looked trough several investigators.

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Hey guys, so I hope you liked the second chapter of this book. I'm really taking my time to write because I really want this to be as perfect as I imagined it. This is just the beginning so you'll see how and what will happen between Onika and Beyoncé.

Thanks for reading!

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora