"No Al, we didn't know. That's what we came here to tell you, it has been nine days and you cannot be mad at the world forever." James asserted

"Yes I can. You guys are his friends and I do not believe that he didn't consult at least one of you before going on this suicide mission."

James and Sirius felt like they were fighting a losing battle.  How were they meant to help their sister understand? Sirius had a feeling he knew how, but he didn't actually know if it would work. Sirius knew that Ally loved nobody outside of her family more than Regulus Black. He had always, ever since they were little children, had a special place in Ally's heart.

"Do you think Reggie would let you sit around and mope like this? He's already written a letter to Caspian asking how you are. Missing you in arithmancy he is."

"Nice try Sirius, Regulus is in Hogwarts and he told me he won't be writing letters including my name incase they are intercepted."

"Yeah, well will the baddies know that your nickname is Smelly Estelley?" Sirius quipped

Ally whipped her head up and narrowed her eyes at Sirius. Nobody should have known that nickname. They were private, only Ally and Regulus were allowed to know those nicknames for each other. Had Sirius suddenly learned Occlumency? Ally felt skeptical and didn't know if she actually believed that was Sirius at all.

"Who are you?" she scowled pointing her wand at him "Nobody knows that nickname!"

"Ally it's ok. Its Sirius and James. You know us and we know you. It is breaking our hearts to see you like this. Please come and have a bath and we can cook you a proper meal, you can have a bit of self care. How does that sound? You can come around to our cottage then too?" James pleaded

"I want to be left alone." she frowned

She did. The thoguht of socialising and going around to James' for family night just was her worst nightmare. She wanted to be left alone, on her bed to just wallow in peace. Oberon had told her that having time to feel all these emotions was a positive thing. However, he did check in on her everynight and brought a glass of wine or gin to ensure that they were talking just a little bit about how she was feeling.

Perseus had also been taking trips from Hogwarts when he had the chance, he hadn't realised the severity of Ally's sadness. He knew that she was anxious and he knew that she was a sensitive soul. So he came and he made sure that her hair was brushed and breakfast was left on the table and he left a cup of water or orange juice. It was important for her to know that she felt appreciated and seen during this time. However, like always Perseus would always ensure that her windows were locked, there were protective enchantments and  that she was safe.

James didn't give her any time to protest. He held onto her and grabbed Sirius and apparated out of the house. Ally arrived on the sofa in James and Lily's cottage and scowled massively. She turned to James and growled.

"Take me back right now!" She fumed

"Nope," James shrugged

Ally could feel her hands clench into fists, she had never felt so angry. She just wanted to be at home and she felt as if James and Sirius were not listening to what she wanted. The more she was thinking about going home the more angry she was feeling and the mantlepiece started to shake.

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