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Bumblebee can only Stare down at the Floor. His faceplate painted in Panic and Worry, Where are the Others? There were no traces of Ambush so they weren't Attacked by Primus knows what.

Along with, some of their Belongings are here, so they were in a Rush, right by his Pede, Sari was trying to Think what happened to the Rest too, Their Comm link can't get through Them, nor can Teletran 1. Sari was worried how Bumblebee isn't taking Things good nor Slowly, She tapped his Pede to make him Notice her.

" Any Ideas yet? "

Bumblebee stared down at her and Nodded his Helm no. They both Sighed, this was Gonna be harder than he Thought, He covered his Faceplate as he groaned into his Servos.


- [ earlier that Day/ Feb. 12, #### ] -

" What do you mean were Ordered back to Cybertron?? "

Sentinel Groaned, rolling his Optics. He wanted off this Rock already, the Mucus air of the Planet makes him Gag.

" Explain to them Jazz, I've got no Time for this "

Jazz nodded his Helm and smiled lightly at the Repair crew.

" Ultra Magnus sent the Order, he wanted a Good Report on the Allspark, especially since It's already Complete "

" Why not Take it yourselves?! You elite bots Can easily Handle it right?? "

" No can do Ratchet, with all Do Respect, Ultra Magnus wants you Guys to come alomg and Deliver it "

" But- "


Optimus sighed and Nodded. The others Groaned or Scoffed, but Bulkhead pauses and Looks around.

" What about Bumblebee?- "

" You don't need that Bumbler, He can perfectly Handle his own— And besides, were about to Leave "

" I am not Going anywhere without my Team full Sentinel "

" BUT- I- NghHh, FINE, Twins, scout the Area for that Mech, if you come back Empty handed in about A few Kliks, we're Leaving, with or Without that Mech "

The Jettwins Saluted and took off. In search of the Yellow and Black Youngling, The team was Immediately begging for Bumblebee to hurry up from the Scout, The kliks passed and to the Team's worry and horror.

Bumblebee wasn't with them.

The Jettwins land and Report back to Sentinel, who smirks in Victory, He shouts at the Repair crew to get in and They do, Ratchet was Muttering Curses in Cybertronian as They got in.

The team can Only hope Bumblebee would be Fine.

- [ Present Time ] -

Bumblebee was Pacing, He'd been doing that for the Past 28 minutes. Sari tried to Reason or even Stop Bumblebee, she was Worried about what Could've happened to the Others, they've tried to, again, Contact them but Sadly, only Statics were Given.

" Bumblebee! Calm down will you?! "

" Not now Sari- I'm trying to Think here "

Sari pouted and Kicked his Pede. Bumblebee flinched and stepped back, Muttering in Cybertronian, Sari sighed, this is Gonna be harder than she Thought.

" I'm sure the Others are Fine Bumblebee... They've gotta be! "

" .... Let's just hope for it "

...... Fin

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