Chapter 21: A Demon Lord Attacks!

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A few days after King Gazel's departure he comes back to this city. Well, he just departed one day and now he is yet again here.

"Now don't be too stingy. I just came as a fellow pupil of the same mentor. I just come to check my junior whether you are doing things properly here."

"You are a king right? a King you can't just casually stroll without an appointment." I don't have a choice but to point that out, the ministers must have been shaking their heads by now.

He arrived unattended with the most smallish minimal escorts. He just came here out of his own personal interests. He just wanted to shove that fellow pupil crap again.

Kaijin came running hurriedly at the scene and impatiently stuttered.

"My majesty! did you sneak out from your castle again!?"

"Mm, those sluggards didn't even recognize my escape! not a single one."

Erm a king sneaking out of his castle, that's unheard of.

"My Majesty, you won't tell me that you just went there out of personal matters."

Kaijin contested, but King Gazel skimmed aside. It seems that his minimal guards brought out some sample heavy equipment and advanced artillery tools unheard around the world. With this one, we can analyze them in Vesta's lab and replicate and even synthesize them.

Currently, I am ruling two-fifths or around 40% of the forest. Though, that 40 percent we weren't consistently able to use all of it. We are successfully employing the covenant between our nations. Dwargon would import our Full Potion and provide us with the most cutting-edge techs in their laboratories.

1. While we will ensure that Dwarves are free to wander to our territory. Including their safety and free will.
2. We'll construct the transport passage from Dwargon to Tempest.
3. Promises of technological exchanges.
4. Nonaggression treaty between ourselves.
5.  Aid of forces whenever one of the nations is endangered.

But since it's full cooperation instead of a nonaggression pact, there are bonus covenants that we must fulfill with each other.

6. There shall be an exchange of knowledge and workers in technological advancements.
7. Reports and Records of each other.
8. Tourism.
9. Least amount of tariffs.
10. Both nations will trade military assignments from each other.
11. Anti-discrimination.

So that's basically it, Vesta's discoveries will be carted to Dwargon and Dwargon would export their own scientific findings to our Development Sector. Since thanks to Shizu-san we manage to achieve Legion Spatial Transport we set up Spatial Travel Stations to Dwargon and to Tempest. With this, it would be instantaneous travel but it would be only implored in case an emergency arises. Soldiers and workers are also cohesive so there are more hired Dwarves in our development sector. So basically, Tempest and Dwargon are dependent on each other. If Western Saints Church officially coerced with us means they are fighting Dwargon as well.

So yeah, as Geld and the others prosper our establishments and increase our economical-worth. Dwarves also helped us a ton. There are now tourists which are primarily just Dwarves. Maybe, someday they'll establish a branch of Butterflies of the Night here, he-hehe. 

Both Dwargon and Tempest adhered to the covenants without saying.

"Then, my business here is over. Farewell, Rimuru!"

The monsters around started giving their gratitude to King Gazel's prudent efforts. King Gazel flew away with his least minimum escorts. Oh yeah, I guess King Gazel is in a good light right now. He may finally recognize Vesta's fruitful labor as he is currently the head of our Development sector who produced most of the success in technological advancements.

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