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These sculptures
Often made by children
Or by families
Moats made to not let water in

Contests are held
Warm days are present
They don't last long
However whilst there
They are pleasant

Some water and some sand
Shaped and sculpted
Grain by grain
Only creativity is trusted

Smooth shape
Wiggle and tame
This moat it stays
This sand it displays

And compact

Working hard
to make it
First place

My dear sandcastle
It's almost done
Time runs out
While I'm still having fun

Contest is held
Although not first place
Second however
Not too shabby
Not to be waste

I know the next day
When I come to the beach
My sandcastle display
Will be no longer in reach

A picture or memory
A medal of plenty
Maybe tomorrow
My next second place
will be ready

142 words

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