the beginning of the end

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Shaky. That was the only way to describe my breath as I see what I have done. I saw red all over, kids were crying. My "friends" were just standing there staring not moving not doing a thing. My father he was yelling and screaming and crying not staying still for a minute.

I held my brother's hand, tears coming out of my eyes I wanted to say everything but nothing at the same time. Please just stay with me Evan. We waited and waited till a nurse came out she told us what will happen to Evan and how he would end up. I had taken away his human friends long ago so for some kind of forgiveness I gave him his plush friends even that old and creepy fredbear plush he would bring with him every where. I sighed and looked at Evan and left, what I didn't know at the time was when father saw him he took back the plushies and had put them back in Evan's room.

Yelling. That's what I remember, what I walked into when I was home was yelling, mom and father yelling at each other, Mr. Emily yelling at father and father yelling back, and there was me and father yelling. I couldn't take it I ran back up into my room but father is right and he always is I am some kind of monster, a curse, I bring pain to others, I'm a murder, I'm pure evil.

I got into bed crying and crying it was all my fault i couldn't even call myself an older brother I'm just a monster no even that is to kind to myself. I was finally able to laid my eyes to rest when I heard my mom say something pushing me awake, "Mikie, we need to leave pack up what you need meet me outside of Evan's room." Mom said before giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving. I quickly packed up a small bag with some old clothes mostly some of the prototype Freddy merch. I also grabbed a few things like some books and an iPad with headphones. That's when I saw it THE mask, I quickly ran off not realizing it till after the fact I had grabbed it.

I entered Evan's room it was the same as always a small bed room with a small closet and a window, that's when I saw it the fredbear plush, I quickly grabbed it and crawed out of the window seeing my mom again and hugging her tightly. We were able to quickly sneak around to the front and get in the car and speeding off towards a small place called Derry, located in Maine. Where mom grew up but never telling anybody and lying saying she grew up in Utahm

The car drive was long over 40 hours without including the time we took to sleep or get gas, it was boring but before I knew it we had reached the small old and odd town of derry.

We quickly reached my grandparents house which unlike what mom had also told dad were still very much alive and were very happy to see her and her "only" son. She quickly explained everything and they took us both in, since my grandfather was the principal of the school here he could get me in with a little less then a snap of his fingers which was pretty nice.

It did take a few weeks to be able to get into the school so with that free time I started to explore the wild life, and a bit of the town.

I found this huge tree that gave way to the perfect view of a tree house were four boys would go after school. I decided that after my first day of school I would ask them to hang out and become friends hopefully this time with the right group of people.

Well that was the plan till I over heard my grandpa talking to my mother about how I wouldn't actually be able to go to the school because it was so close to summer break and by the time the paper work was finished it be summer vacation.

I sighed and decided that I would meet them tomorrow and how I would climb down the tree and introduce myself to then. That would be if one of them and who I guessed was the group leader didn't get sick. So I would have to wait for a little longer till introduce myself.

Well that would be buy I remember that day it was raining I was drawing another comic, I saw a boy running with a yellow raincoat I ignored it just turning up the volume of my music listening to another musical. I didn't realize it at the time but I would be one of the last few people to see the kid alive.

I continued drawing hearing something different then the musical but chopping it up to my imagination since it was a song from a very intense part. I had to focus though on every line or it could all be ruined. I drew each drop of blood with detail more details then a normal artist would know.

The boy went missing no one knows what happened maybe if I was just a tiny bit better then I would know I br able to help the family. I decided to hold off on introducing myself since the leader of the group was the young boy's older brother and I knew what it was like just a tiny bit to well.

We went to the funeral I looked at the boy's older brother who was just staring not saying a word not even crying that's what a good older brother is like. He didn't cause anything he didn't have the guilt of knowing it was your fault with him.

It was a silent car ride back home, my mom used to be a friend of the parents of the two kids now one kid, and after everything I could tell she was almost completely broken with all the death in the air. I silently headed over to my room not wanting to say a thing but once I have reached my room I hoped on to the bed and just started crying a hurricane into the old fredbear plush.

For a quick second I thought I could see Evan staring at me for the closet but when I took a closer look nothing…


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