"Heeseung-ssi! Is your house still far away?" Dana called out, stopping her car in front of him and lowering the window.

Heeseung nodded, acknowledging her offer. "Yes, it is."

"Get in, I'll take you home," Dana said, waiting for Heeseung to get into her car.

Heeseung hesitated for a moment, looking skeptical, but Dana's stern voice urged him, "Get in, Heeseung-ssi."

Heeseung finally entered the car and sat next to Dana.

"Why do you still seem shy around me? We were just laughing earlier," Dana asked, genuinely curious.

Heeseung replied, "I'm not shy, Dana. I just value my independence."

Dana smiled warmly. "That's understandable, but don't reject my offers in the future. We'll be working together, after all."

Heeseung nodded in agreement. "Sure."

As they continued their drive, they arrived at Heeseung's address, which turned out to be closer than Dana's house.

"Thank you, Dana! Take care," Heeseung said, expressing his gratitude as he stepped out of the car.

Dana waved him off and cheerfully said, "No worries. Let's meet again tomorrow." She honked her car to bid him farewell before driving away.

In her side mirror, Dana noticed Heeseung still standing there, watching her car recede into the distance. She couldn't help but smile.

"I'm usually picky when it comes to people, but Heeseung, I'm already comfortable with you," Dana whispered to herself.

Back at her own house, Dana entered to find her parents engaged in an argument.

"Yah! Jagi, didn't I tell you not to spend too much time in the farm?" her mother complained.

"I feel like it's a waste of time if I just rest all day," her father retorted.

Curious about the commotion, Dana interrupted, "What's going on, Ma?"

Her mother sighed, touching her forehead. "Your father doesn't understand the concept of rest."

Dana turned to her father, concerned. "Pa, you should take a break sometimes. We don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Her father sighed in resignation. "I am resting, Dana, but I also need to work and not rely solely on you."

Taking a deep breath, Dana spoke earnestly, "I give you money because I want to support you. Don't think that you're just relying on me."

Her father nodded, realizing her point. "You're right, Dana. I'll try to take breaks and not be so stubborn."

With the family tension diffused, Dana retreated to her room. She settled comfortably on her bed, watching a Korean drama on her laptop. Surprisingly, her current drama obsession did not feature In Yeop, her ultimate crush.

"Oh my god, I can relate so well to this drama. The main character is also a secretary. The only thing I need now is a CEO who will love me," Dana giggled to herself.

As the drama unfolded, she noticed Park Seo Joon's handsome face and exclaimed, "Oh my, I just realized that Park Seo Joon is handsome too!"

Suddenly, her giant younger brother, Daniel, barged into her room. He was taller and bigger than her, occupying her bed without a care.

"What is it, Daniel? Get out of my room," Dana scolded, annoyed by the intrusion Dana's irritation didn't deter Daniel as he settled comfortably on her bed, watching the drama alongside her.

"What's got you so excited? Did you find another heartthrob?" Daniel teased, smirking mischievously.

Dana responded sassily, "No, In Yeop is still my ultimate crush."

Daniel chuckled and continued watching the drama with her. However, his attention was momentarily diverted when he noticed Dana's phone vibrating, indicating an incoming text message. He couldn't resist the temptation and grabbed the phone before Dana could react.

"Oohh! Someone texted you," Daniel exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He quickly moved the phone out of Dana's reach, attempting to read the message.

Dana's eyes widened, and she immediately reached for her phone, slapping Daniel playfully with a nearby pillow. "Give me that, Daniel!"

Daniel continued to tease her, reading aloud, "Oohh! Who is this?... 'Dana, I'm Heeseung. I asked Gaon for your number. Thanks for taking me home,' and there's a heart emoji at the end!"

Dana's face flushed with embarrassment, and she scolded her brother, "Daniel! Mind your own business!" She snatched her phone back, saving Heeseung's number with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

< Hee🤓
Hee🤓: Dana, I'm Heeseung. I asked Gaon for your number. Thanks for taking me home❤

Dana contemplated the message but quickly dismissed any assumptions. "It's just a friendly gesture," she reassured herself.

Returning her attention to the drama, Dana tried to immerse herself in the story once again. However, her peace was short-lived as her phone rang, indicating an incoming call. Glancing at the screen, she noticed it was Jeongyeon calling. Despite her reluctance, she decided to answer, suspecting it might be work-related.

"Oh? Ms. Yoo?" Dana answered, feigning a professional tone.

"Ms. Kim, we're inviting you to join us at 10:00 PM," Jeongyeon informed her.

Dana's annoyance was evident as she asked, "Where is it?"

"It's at a bar," Jeongyeon replied.

Dana's immediate response was blunt. "I'm sorry, but I won't be able to make it." Without waiting for further explanation, she ended the call, uninterested in late-night outings.

Although her rejection might seem rude to others, her workmates were accustomed to Dana's preference for sleep and dramas over socializing.

Settling back into her drama, Dana sighed contentedly. "There's nothing better than a cozy night in, watching my favorite shows."

As the episode progressed, she couldn't help but think about Heeseung's message and their growing friendship. A mix of excitement and uncertainty stirred within her, but she pushed those thoughts aside for the time being, allowing herself to fully enjoy her drama marathon.

In the comfort of her room, Dana finally let go of the day's events and lost herself in the fictional world on her screen. Little did she know that unexpected surprises and new connections were waiting just around the corner, ready to reshape her life in unexpected ways.

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