"What do you know of the End?" Ty asks.

"Nothing but at least I didn't abandon it." Ghost puts her arm out in front of Ty. I think Ty's mad.

"Okay let's calm down you two before someone gets hurt." Ghost said looking at me. Is that a warning?

"I'm not the one that hurt someone." I can feel the ender energy coming off of Ty. I'm getting to him big time. Quentin pulls Ty back and steps in front of him.

"Shadow stop." Quentin said. I'm just doing my job. If Ty loses it he'll kill them all and I won't have to do a thing.

"Why should I? At least I don't hide who I am." Ty's eyes have a tint of black in them. I'm almost there. Their greatest enemy will always be their own angry. I would try Sky but I'm afraid that would be overkill. I'm making Ty mad with a little help. I smirk.

Ty's P.O.V
What is going on with me? I never get mad this quickly. I don't lost my temper this quickly. No matter what people say. I don't. It's like I'm losing control. That clever and traitor girl. She's trying to make me lose control and it's working. I'm trying to remain calm but I can't. Something else is making me this mad. My claws start showing. Shadow keeps talking and I ignore her. I need to get out of here before they get hurt. Ghost is talking to me trying to calm me down. That's not working.

"Ty calm down." Ghost said.

"I am calm." My voice is different. O no. Shadow is succeeding. I can feel fangs in my mouth. My claws and fangs don't usually come out unless Enderlox is in control. I need to calm down but I can't for some reason. Ghost pulls me out of the room and into her room. She closes the door and looks at me.

"Calm down Ty. I didn't know you could lose your temper so quickly." Ghost said. My claws and fangs retract. My eyes turn normal.

"Me neither. I don't get that mad that quickly." I sit on the bed. I look at my hands. What happen?

"What was going through your mind?" Ghost asks.

"I was trying to calm down. But my angry was just rising."

"You seem calm now. But you just started getting mad when talking with Shadow. Ty avoid talking with Shadow. If you lose control that won't be good for us." Ghost said. She sits next to me. If loss control they all could get seriously hurt. I would go back to the monster I was. I look at Ghost. If I hurt her cause of my temper I wouldn't forgive myself. I look at the ground.

"If Sky loss control it wouldn't especially be good." Ghost said. No it wouldn't. I lay on the bed.

"No it wouldn't." Ghost looks at me. She smiles.


"Nothing." Ghost said. I push myself up a little.

"What?" She moves next to me. She puts her hands on my neck.


"Your eyes were black Ty. Your eyes never turn black." Ghost said. I push her hands away and sit up. I know why.

"He was gaining control of me. I was slipping and almost loss it over something so stupid." Ghost's arms go around my waist from behind. She puts her head on my shoulder.

"Doesn't sound like you." Ghost said. Her hands go up on my chest.

"I don't trust Shadow. Something about her is off." She kisses my cheek.

"Ty can you do something for me?" Ghost asks.

"What?" She hugs me tighter all of a sudden. I look at her. She has tears in her eyes.

"Don't go into that coma again. Please don't." Ghost said. I turn my body and face her.

"I won't." She smiles. I wipe her tears away. She pushes me down on the bed and sits on my waist. She puts her arms around my neck and hugs me.

Ghost's P.O.V
I hug him tight. I feel his arms around my center. I smile. I love Ty's arm around me. I push up and look at him.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Ty said. We kiss.

Sky's P.O.V
"Why is Kacy so familiar but I don't remember meeting her?" Seto asks. I stop.

"No reason." Seto walks in front of me

"You wiped my memory." Seto said.

"I had no choice Seto. Kacy made me do it, she can be scary." Seto crosses his arms.

"Fine." Seto said. Kitty comes in. She looks at Seto. He leaves. Se walks next to me. I look at her.


"Shadow. Ty almost lost his temper because of her." Kitty said.

"Where's Ty?"

"With Ghost." Kitty said.

"Where's Shadow?" She crosses her arms.

"Sky she needs to go." Kitty said.

"Tell Seto that not me."

"Sky your in charge. Tell her. I don't like how Ty got. He was almost about to let Enderlox control him he got so mad." Kitty said. Ty is not like that.

"What do you want me to do?" Kitty raised a eyebrow at me. No she is not getting her way with me. If she wants Shadow out tell Seto.

"No don't say another word. Talk with Seto about this. Not me."

"O really?" Kitty asks. She takes a step towards me. She's not getting anything out of me.


"Fine." Kitty said. She leaves. Wow that was easy.

Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky Army SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang