Chapter 2

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Well what an interesting day today was.

It started off all chill with me opening my cafe like normal and serving my customers. Letting Tubbo and Ranboo take over their shifts from mine around lunch time. So that they could deal with the lunch rush and all the Karens and screaming children that come with it. That weirdo with the scary eyes and cool pink hair asking to but some of my crystals. I mean that s not normal usually people would just steal them but whatever.

And then you have now.

20 minutes ago I was happily cleaning tables and shutting the shop down. Thinking to myself how I need to employ another person on Mondays so I don't need to keep coming in at awkward times. I remember locking the cafe door exactly 12 minutes ago and walking down the street, it is quite a warm night so I thought that I might walk home.

Big mistake, for some reason the SBI (a trio of villains including Thanatos, Angel of death and Siren) are running across the room tops in my area. Why they're over here on a Monday I don't know but I would much rather they just go home and let me peacefully walk home.

I do not care about the villains at all, they ca run around and cause as much trouble as they like because I have noticed that they always try to cause trouble away from civilians or make sure that people are safe before they attack. No it is not the villains that I am worried about, it is who might be nearby if they are round here. 

The heroes. usually where there are villains, not far behind are the heroes. You see big man Tommy Innit is not on the the best terms with heroes. You know ever since I got rid of their healer. Yeah, they've been after me ever since. Stupid heroes just cannot let anything go.

All I want to do is get home to my lovely bed and go to sleep before I have to wake up at 3 am tomorrow. It is currently 11:13pm if I am lucky I might be able to get a lovely nap in before I have to open the shop tomorrow. Not that i need it, i didn't go home today and just slept from lunch until my 7pm shift but still. I want to go home peacefully, and maybe with no bruises.

Just as I was about to keep walking , the long way home that is in the opposite direction to what the SBI just went. I got a notification from my phone. Who would want me at this time. 

I unlock my phone to see who the message was from, I felt my entire body tense up as I read who the notification was from. Sapnap. It could not be a coincidence that I see the three top villains running in the direction of my home and Sapnap texts me.

Sapnap: Hey Tommy are you awake?
Sapnap: Tommy please answer your phone.
*One missed call from: Sapnap*
Sapnap: Are you okay?

I got to typing my reply as soon as my brain was functioning again not wanting to worry Sapanp more than he obviously already was.

Tommy: Hey big man, yeah I am fine what's up?
Sapnap: I know you saw the villains running past just then and I wanted to let you know what was happening.
Tommy: You got me there man, just seen them.
Tommy: What's going on?
Sapnap: I don't want to worry you but Dream has started the search for you again.
Tommy: What?! Why I thought he gave up ages ago? and what does that have to do with the fact the SBI has just ran past me?
Sapnap: Dream forced me to go on a search with him because I was the closest with you before you 'disappeared'.
Sapnap: We basically ran into the the syndicate and now they're running everywhere.
Tommy: Again what does this have to do with me?
Sapnap: You're going to hate me for asking.
Sapnap: But dream got a hit on the Siren and it looked really bad.
Tommy: why would I heal a villain Sap?
Sapnap: You know Quackity that I told you about?
Tommy: Yeah?
Sapnap: Well basically he is the villain Jester though I'm pretty sure you already knew that and I recently met up with him again and we had a talk.
Tommy: about what?
Sapnap: You know Jester works with the Syndicate and I think it's the safest place for you to be right now. You don't have to stay with them just until we get Dream sorted out. Quackity said that he would protect you if anything went wrong.
Tommy: I really fucking hate you right now. I'm only doing this because it is you and Big Q. Where are they right now.
Sapnap: Thank you Tommy i really think this is the safest option for you right now. They're 7 alleyways down from where you are right now.
Sapnap: Also just to be safe you still have that old mask that I gave you in your bag?
Tommy: Yeah i do. I'll text you in a bit.
Sapnap : Alright bye Tommy.

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