1. Meeting 🛒

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It was a brisk winter day and the city was becoming dark,as Sergeant Hank Voight walked into his favorite deli. "The usual?" The man asked from behind the counter. Voight didn't answer he simply just shook his head . He was mentally and physically exhausted, todays case was a tough one but they managed to get a pretty big lead, and tomorrow they were going to pursue it. He ran his hand over his smooth shaven face as he leaned against the counter waiting for his Italian to be made. He stood there investigating his surroundings. One of the side effects of being a cop was no matter how hard you tried you could never turn it off.

Down one aisle a lady stood with her two young children, they looked to be shopping for the typical groceries. Up at one of the registers there was a man a little younger than Voight buying beer, and in the refrigerated aisle stood a girl about fifteen, staring at the pre-made sandwiches and salads. For some reason this girl caught his attention. She looked clean cut, in a royal blue pea coat, black pants and a pair of brown leather boots, but her eyes looked sad.

Her shiny dark brown hair was pulled into a bun at the top of her head, and her face showed a natrual glow of beauty. He couldn't imagine why such a beautiful young girl, would be so sad. He continued to stare at her profiling her moves, trying to discover what exactly her story was. She looked up from the shelf she was browsing and looked towards him. He met her piercing blue eyes only for a second before she shamefully looked at the ground. She was hiding something, Voight knew it. He wasn't sure if it was necessarily bad, but years of being in law enforcement taught him that there was something she didn't want him to know.

He wondered if she had just felt uncomfortable being in the deli alone, only to find the eyes of a guy that was a good thirty years older than her, he knew that sort of thing used to creep Erin out.

"Here you go Hank, that will be six forty three ." Voight was handing him over the money when he heard Frank, the man who worked the cashier, yell out the front door.

"Hey come back here! You can't just take something and not pay!" Voight looked back to see the girl he once was staring at running out the door with what looked to be a sandwich in her hand.

"Keep the change,"Voight yelled, running after her. As soon as he got outside he could see her about fifteen yards away.

"Hey!" Voight yelled trying to get her attention as he himself was sprinting after her. Slowly he was gaining on her as both of them got tired. Finally he saw her coming to a stop at the end of the block only because of traffic he was only about two yards away.

The walking light turned white and thats when Voight made his move. He lunged at the teen wrapping his arms around her stomach as the people flooding around them made their way through the street. If she was a grown man or maybe even a teenage boy she probably would of been tackled I the ground.

"Let me go!" She yelled, squirming against his hold. "Let me go!" She screamed again, kicking at his chins. Pain reered it's ugly head, but thier was no way he was loosening his grip. "Please I'll give you anything you want, just don't hurt me." She cried. Voight could feel her getting tired against his strong arms, there was no doubt that she wasn't going anywhere.

He then realized that she didn't think he was chasing after her about the sandwich, but she thought he was attacking her. " I'm not going to hurt you kid, I'm Sergeant Voight, Chicago PD, if I let you go, will you promise not to run away?" Her limp body was warm against his arms .

"Yeah yeah please just don't hurt me," She pleaded. Voight set her down, watching her relax as his arms loosened their grip from around her. He could see the thought of running racing through her head, and then he saw her lunge. Before she could get anywhere his hand was wrapped around her wrist.

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