V - back and forth

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Dream however couldn't see that the girl was simply staring at him, as she was wearing a mask.

Meaning he was a bit confused as to why she had stopped. He almost felt as though he was supposed to do something.

However, he took this opportunity to push his body back into the corner as far as he could in order to lose contact with the girls sword, before ducking underneath in completely and tackling the girl to the ground.

A hum of surprise left the girl as she was nocked to the ground by the boy, her weapon falling out of her grasp in the process.

Dream hands immediately clasped around Aerin's throat, pinning her to the floor.

The girl struggle under the mans strength.

She wouldn't give up though. 

It wasn't in her blood.

She pushed her lower body up and wrapped her legs around the boys middle. 

Using all her momentum she swings her body over and flips the pair over, her now being on top.

She punches the boy in the face a couple times.

She keeps him in place with her legs and weight before quickly pulling her knife out of the sheath on her forearm. 

She raises her arms above her head, wasting no time before pushing her arms down and trying to stab the boy. 

Dream quickly reacted and rolled to the side, throwing the girl off balance. 

The girl jumped to her feat as the boy tried to lunge for her.

She tried to bring the knife down of him again but the boy grabbed her arm sweeping her feet out from underneath her.

Aerin grunted as the wind was knocked out of her. 

Dream got on top of her, now equipped with her own knife.

He tried to do what she had, raising the weapon above his head. She used his move and rolled to the side, the knife meeting the floor instead of her face. Not before slashing at her skin.

She tried to ignore this, a job quite easily achieved with all the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

She brought her knee up and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall off of her.

She rolled over the opposite side that Dream had fallen, pulling her knife out if the process.

However whilst Dream was seemingly recovering, he had pulled his own knife out that he had stashed under his mattress. 

He knelt up and swiftly flicked his hand, allowing the knife to glide effortless towards the girl before she even knew what was happening.

Luckily for her however, the knife had only manage to hit her mask, causing a small crack to form in it. 

She stood in shock breathing heavily, either out of fear or adrenaline she couldn't tell.

Those emotions very quickly converted to anger as she saw the smirk growing on the mans face.

She let out a small yell as she grabbed her original sword off the floor and started towards the man.

She jumped, flipping over in hopes of throwing the boys over.

She landed near him, swiping her sword right along his arm, cutting into it.

The boy hissed as he grabbed his arm, blood seeping down it as he fell to his knees.

Aerin sighed as she caught her breath, glancing at the defeated king at her feet, his eyes shut.

Not giving him another chance, she raised her sword to his throat, this time ready to kill him.

Just as she was about to plummet the weapon into his throat the door burst open.

Aerins head snapped around to see George and Sapnap both holding up swords. 

She turned back to look at Dream, seeing his eyes still shut.

Without another second she ran for the window, jumping right out of it.

Sapnap ran after her, stopped at the open window trying to see where the figure had gone.

However it had seemed as though she had completely disappeared.

The young prince sighed as he turned back towards the room.

George had gone straight for Dream when Sapnap had gone to the window.

The brunette was knelt at his side. His hand on either side of the blondes sweat covered cheeks as he tried to get the boy to talk to him.

Dream sat with his eyes closed as Sapnap and George tried to communicate with him.

He couldn't get his mind around what had just happened.

But most of all he couldn't understand why the person had hesitated to kill him the first time they had the chance.   

Artemis - dreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora