Chapter 1: Katelyn

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I walked up to the house. My brother tapped my shoulder. "Kate, are you sure? We already checked everywhere else, what's the chances that he'll be there?"
I'm Katelyn. Katelyn Rodriquez.
Me, my twin brother, Jayden, Kai Brown, my BFF, Derek Right, and Julia Right (Derek's younger sister), are survivors.

About 84 days ago (yes, I count them), something out of this world happened.
Me, my brother, and my best friend Kai were sitting on the bus. Jay was making comics with Kai, and I was staring into space, thinking.
Kai tapped my shoulder.
"Kat'lyn, Kat'lyn? Are you focusin' with us or not?" She asked in her pretty accent. I turned back to them. "Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?"
"Jayden wants to make it so that Blue Jay and Rooster have to go to the scientist's lab to get back the serum, but I think that they should first go to HQ first, to research more about how they can get there safely. What do you think?"
Kai and Jay were always best friends. Jay was actually the person who introduced me to her.
"Uh, the second one. "I said, distracted. I saw Dirk, the bully who bullied other bullies, walk up to the seat next to us, where two of my friends, Jack and Quint, were sitting.

Jack had moved to my school this year. Him and Quint had become quick friends.
Quint and Jay were also friends, and Jack and Derek were also friends. And with them hanging out a lot, me, Kai, ,Julia, and Jack met.
If anyone asks otherwise, you never heard this, but I may have formed a crush on him.
But it was new, and I didn't know what to do.

Anyways, Dirk grabbed Quint's sandwich. "Kid, your 'sammich' smells like squirrel butt. "He then took a giant bite out of it. He said something else, but I didn't hear it. Kai tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to the window to see...
Zombies, monsters, lots of them.
The bus jerked up. I locked eyes with Jack.
Our life was going to get complicated.
We were thrown out the bus.
Quint and Jack ran behind a parked car. I saw June, one of my other friends, ran into the school.
Kai looked to me.
"Kai, you go to your place. We'll go to ours. Once we make sure everyone's fine, meet at our house?"
"Right'o. Stay safe you two. "
We fist-bumped and went our separate ways.

Me and Jay ran all the way to my house. I saw no one there. "Diana?" My parents were on vacation, and some teen named Diana was my babysitter. I saw a zombie shuffle towards us.
We ran outside. I spotted me and my brother's treehouse, and we went up.
I knew that Quint, Jack, and June were alive. They had to be.
I heard emergency sirens in the background as I fell asleep that night.
Later on—like after 5 days or something—Kai was able to get to us.

After our treehouse got destroyed by BLARG—a giant monster that only says 'BLARG', we decided to try to find a new place to stay.
Then I said that we should search for Jack.
—AND QUINT AND JUNE—it's not like I'm only concerned for Jack!
Afterwards we met a boy named Derek.
He was a survivor also.
He joined our little party.

Now, I was opening the fence for the backyard of Jack's foster family's house to get into the house.
The last place to search.
"I know the chances, Jay. But we've searched everywhere else. They have to be in the house..."I looked at a tree house in the backyard.
"...or there. C'mon!"I tiptoed inside. I saw another monster. Jay started hyperventilating. Derek held Kai's wrist when she started to try to follow me. "Hey!" "Listen luv, Kat'lyn's...completely mental. I don' wan' you 'o follow 'er when she gets 'erself killed. "He said to her in his thick British accent.
They're...kinda a thing.
I didn't know about him actually.
Kai introduced us when we found him.
Jay, who apparently appointed himself older brother to us all, had the whole over-protective brother act.
"Hey!" I whisper-yelled.
I looked closer to the monster. "He looks friendly actually. "
I stepped closer.
"What're you doing, Katie! Are you crazy?!" Kai whispered fiercely.
I smiled. "Hey there, big fella. "
The dog-like monster woke up and looked at me. He cocked his head questionably.
He suddenly licked me with a huge tongue. He was the size of a car.
He had navy blue fur, and looked like a huge dog. I giggled.
"Hi! You're not scary, are you?"I said, glaring at Kai, Jay, and Derek.
I scratched under his chin. If a monster dog could purr, he did.
I saw lights in the tree house flicker on.
I heard multiple people move around. I felt my heart lighten up.
"Guys! Someone's in there!"I said excitedly.
I left the giant dog and went to the tree house.
"Hello? Is there anyone there that isn't a zombie! It's me, Katelyn Rodriguez, apocalyptic-survivor!"I called. I saw a figure open blinds on the windows.
I jumped across the moat that was surrounding the tree. The ladder was tidied up on the top. I frowned. "Hello?"
Then my heart stopped.
I saw someone walk through the doorway of the tree house, clutching onto a broken baseball bat. He looked at me.
"K-Katie?" I heard an all-too familiar voice say.
It was Jack Sullivan.

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