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I am at a loss for words. Inej, the pious Wraith, silent as a ghost, is now speaking up against me like it's nothing. Wylan dares to glance at me like I'm an enemy. Jesper and Nina converse in Zemini, obviously frustrated. Y/N's pain seems to have ricocheted to everyone here. She never truly disappears.

"So be it. You and Nina can enter with West Stave delegations. Jesper and Wylan will go to the gate and trigger Black Protocol. Matthias and I will make our way to the island. Does everyone understand the plan?" I ask.

They all hesitate to agree. I can see it in their eyes that they are wondering which one of them will be the next Y/N. As long as they do what they have to do and don't somehow turn into Pekka Rollins before my eyes, then they will be fine.

We split up and initiate the next phase of the heist: make it onto the island, and capture Bo Yul-Bayur.


Matthias leads me through the drüskelle sector of the court, and is somehow more huffy than usual.

"Spit it out, Helvar. Are you pissed about Y/N? You didn't even like her that much because she was Grisha. So what has your hair in a knot?" I ask, my patience running very thin.

"All you care about is money, never giving a thought about your impact on the rest of the world. What are the Kerch going to really do with Bo, how will that affect trade? Have you ever thought outside of your pathetic little world?" He rants.

I take a steady breath. "I care about two things: money and revenge. You seem to be familiar with the latter. So you must know that I don't care whether the Fjerdans have a hard time trading or whether Bo lives or dies. I am getting my revenge, and that is that. You can do whatever you want with your prize money. Kill Zenik. Do whatever your heart desires. Leave me out of it." I say as we approach the moat.

Matthias leads us across the ice bridge that is known only to the drüskelle, and come across two drüskelle themselves. We quickly fight them off, and Matthias ends up with one of their guns in his hands. He looks at me, as if contemplating a hard decision. I keep my mouth shut and let him decide whether killing me would be better than getting 4 million Kruge. He decides it is not. I slowly exhale in relief, but do not show it. We change into the drüskelle uniforms and head into the lively celebration.

And no matter what, we do what we always do. Put on a show, make people think that we are fine with each other's presence, when deep down, we just want to wring each other's necks.

~ Y/N Pov ~

The alarm cuts off eventually, leaving my ears ringing. I thank the Saints for everyday that Inej taught me how to scale a wall and creep around silently. No guards see me as I make my way through the prison sector and to a walkway by the front entrance of the court. I stick close to a wall and observe the partygoers entering.

Zemini delegations...Shu delegations...Tante Heleen of the Menagerie...

Wait. The Menagerie. I didn't know West Stave was invited to this party. Just how much information did Kaz keep from me? That bastard.

I observe three girls going into a side office, and know that this is my chance to get into this celebration freely. I dart across the entrance in a flash as the guards address some partygoers who weren't on the invite list. The three Menagerie girls look at me in surprise as I quickly close the door behind me. I look at their outfits. A Kaelish Fare...a Suli Lynx...and a Zemini Fawn. That's the one.

The Red Ribbon {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now