Chibi's Time~!

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Waking up tiny is something that red-haired continental hero never thought would happen to him ever since that Constellation Test he haphazardly got roped up into...

It's nearly 2 years since everything has settled down.

The peace has returned.

The Roan Empire is thriving.

And Cale was just about to happily greet his slacker life when he woke up with a tiny body in one random fine morning instead.


That's the first thing he did after seeing the state he's in.

'What's happening this time...?'

Honestly, at this point, he realized that freaking out does literally nothing. Therefore, when the children go—

"...Why are you looking like that, Dad...?"

"Dad, nya! You shrink!"

"Human! You're so tiny and weak? What happened???"

—Cale immediately told them to calm down first before realizing that his youngest was right. His ancient power felt weaker for some odd reasons.

Balanced it might be, but he can't pull off any of the big moves that he would normally deliver as The well-known Crimson Commander.

'Well, whatever right?'

It's not like they're going off for another war or something.

'First thing first...'

Looking around, Cale was late to realize that the person that should have been by his side at this hour wasn't present.

"Where's Ron?"

That young noble asked. As much he wanted to get away from the vicious old man, if his most loyal servant disappears conveniently at the same time this absurdness happened to him, obviously it's a red flag.

"Lemon gramps?"

The children turned at each other before then shaking their heads.

"We haven't seen him, Human!"

"Weird! Very weird!"

"We need to search for him too!"

Cale nodded, immediately agreeing on that.

"Raon, can you change one of my clothes to fit my current size?"

Clothes that would fit this approximately 5-year-old body of his. That redhead wouldn't even care if it's his Pajama instead of one of his proper outfits.

However, to his shock, Raon's already big eyes got slightly rounded in shock.

"H-Human... My magic doesn't work?"

"Nyah! My ability too??"

That black dragon and red cat said one after another while On who doesn't seem to have a problem with her power can only stare at the three of them, obviously growing panicked herself.

"Say what now?"

Now, Cale is internally freaking out.

Him being like this, Ron's disappearance, and now Raon...

'What the fuck is going on???'

Trying not to startle the children, Cale reached out to his two sons and rubbed their heads with his tiny hands.

"Calm down. Let's check the situation with the others first."

In the end, Cale lends one of Hong's human outfits... which is still slightly too big. Therefore, for temporary measures, he modified it with cloth belts so that he won't trip while he runs.

"Raon, you can still fly, right?"

He asked the young dragon who nodded.

"Yes. Yes, I can. No problem. It's just my magic that's gone...!"

Turning to the red-furred cat, with his eyes he asked the same question, to which Hong then replied with.

"There's no pain with me as well, Dad. I just can't channel my power."

The fact that the two of them couldn't tell about the change until the moment they tried on it says just how natural it felt, unlike the effect of the manmade Mana Disturbance device.

'Could it be that divine beings or demon races are involved in this?'

Raon is almost the next Dragon Lord confirmed after all. So, something or someone whos able to erase or seal his magic entirely like this. Only 'the higher-ups' would be able to pull off such a feat.

"Don't get too far from me"

Cale told the three of his children. 

Separating when they're in this condition is basically the Horror trope hazard waiting to happen after all. And no. Cale is not so stupid to risk their lives just to possibly find their friends and family faster.

"Cale-nim? Is that you?" 

Hearing the call, Cale immediately turned to his daughter who nodded as she then make a path.

Soon enough, that red-haired noble was washed in relief as he sees Choi Han, Ron, Beacrox, and even Eruhaben were gathered and heading their ways... Though... their appearances.

"You too, huh"

Eruhaben let out a sigh at how calm Cale just said that. It's almost as if this sort of oddity is just one of their daily shenanigans or something.

'No, actually, it made sense if he's not all that shocked.'

That chibi elf remembered all of the shits this unlucky has gone through before after all.

"By the way, it seems like my magic is gone entirely while Choi Han can barely pull out his aura"

Eruhaben reported, to which the black-haired swordmaster then demonstrated it to his liege.

Cale simply nodded.

"My ancient powers too. I can't even hear their voices anymore"

The crew scowled at this. They know about how Cale's Ancient Powers were able to talk to him all the time. And the times when they couldn't do that, well...

"Are you alright, young master-nim? How's your plate?"

Ron was the first one to ask in urgent. Whereas Cale did not wait for long to answer that question.

"I'm good. If I forced it out, I might be able to use one of them to half level of what I can do normally. But other than the decrease in power, they caused no problems. And nothing feels wrong with my plate"

The red-haired noble answered truthfully since lying here would only bring disaster for himself in near future. He has learned his lesson well.

Well, anyway...

"Are you guys the only ones who are like this? Or is there anyone else?"

"Well, there's us..."

Coming from their right side, another unfamiliar voice chimed in such a familiar tone.

"Ah... you guys too?"

Chibi Rosalyn and Alberu soon could be seen walking from the Villa's entrance's direction.


That's all Cale can do as he lets out a quiet groan.

'...Just... what the fuck is happening right now?'

He can feel the headache coming.

"Well... in any case, let's try to look if there would be some others who were like us."

Easily agreeing with the redhead, the pack of chibis then starts their journey on searching for their possible mini comrades.

All the while, the initiator of the said trip is cussing a storm in his head while keeping a calm facade on the outside.

That young Hero internally sighed to the side as he lamented over his own fate.

'... Aigoo, my poor life'

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