Chapter 8: A Session With Madam Vastra

Start from the beginning

Clay Jensen: I'm a dude.

Strax: What's a dude?

The Doctor: He's a boy, Strax.

Strax: Very well, boy. I owed him a favor, The Doctor choose me along with others including Madam Vastra to help him save Amy Pond from Madame Kovarian and the Order of the Headless Monks at Demons Run.

The Doctor: At the time, Strax was a Sontaran nurse taking care of the wounded soldiers on a battlefield as part of penance imposed by me.

Strax: The Doctor arrived in his TARDIS to take me to Demons Run. We fought together against the enemies and succeed in saving Amy for the glory of the Sontaran Empire. However, I was mortally wounded and was left for dead.

The Doctor: We all thought he was dead.

Strax: That's when Madam Vastra & Miss Jenny found me. They healed my wounds and I accepted their proposition to join them here in London.

Clay Jensen: Where you became a butler in Victorian London?

Strax: Precisely.

Clay Jensen: So what other things did you helped out with The Doctor?

Strax: We assisted him with the Crimson Horror.

The Doctor: The what?

Strax: The Crimson Horror, Sweetville, Mrs. Gillyflower. You don't remember?

The Doctor: No, I don't.

Clay Jensen: Just like you don't remember this Clara Oswald.

The Doctor: Who is this Clara?

Strax takes out a device and scans The Doctor's head.

Strax: No sign of blunt force trauma. Your brain is perfectly fine. Perhaps someone erased her from your memory.

The Doctor: Perhaps. I did wake up in the middle of the desert with no memory of how I got there.

Clay Jensen: How long ago was that?

The Doctor: Right before I came to Hannah's home.

Clay Jensen: So, yesterday.

The Doctor: It wasn't yesterday for me, but yeah.

Clay Jensen: I'm sorry, Doc. Maybe we can look her up when we get back.

The Doctor: Perhaps.

Clay Jensen: What do you think they're doing in there?

The Doctor: Helping Hannah out.

Hannah has told her story to Madam Vastra & Jenny. They couldn't believe what she went through at Liberty, especially with Bryce Walker.

Hannah Baker: After Mr. Porter just told me to move on, that was it for me. I finished tape 13, went home, sent the tapes to Justin, gave Tony a 2nd set for insurance, and I was about to slit my wrist when...

Madam Vastra: When The Doctor came to you.

Hannah Baker: Yeah. He said that the TARDIS brought him to me.

Jenny Flint: Why would you include Clay in the tapes if he's innocent?

Hannah Baker: I... I needed him to know that it wasn't his fault.

Madam Vastra: From what you told us, what transpired on the night of this Jessica Davis' party was his fault.

Hannah Baker: No, it wasn't.

Madam Vastra: Your right, it's your fault. Had you've not kicked him out of that room, perhaps what you witnessed never wouldn't had happened.

Hannah Baker: And Jeff Atkins would still be alive. You're right.

Madam Vastra: You love him, don't you?

Hannah Baker: Yes.

Jenny Flint: And he loves you. I would know, the way the 2 of you interact with each other.

Hannah Baker: You think he loves me?

Madam Vastra: Don't you?

Hannah thought about it. She thought back to all the moments she shared with Clay at The Crestmont & Liberty. She remembered the night that Clay showed her the lunar eclipse on top of The Crestmont, the slow dance they shared at the Winter Formal, the kiss they had at Jessica's party. That's when she realized...

Hannah Baker: Clay Jensen is in love with me.

Hannah looks at Madam Vastra & Jenny as they smile at her.

Hannah Baker: You're good. Probably better than a therapist.

Madam Vastra: I know.

Hannah Baker: Thank you, Madam Vastra. Miss Jenny. I now know what I must do. I have to tell Clay.

Madam Vastra: Then go my dear.

They get up from their seats and return to the kitchen.

The Doctor: Well?

Clay Jensen: Everything alright?

Hannah Baker: Yeah, everything's fine.

The Doctor: Then we should get going.

Madam Vastra: Thank you, Doctor. We'll make sure that the Weeping Angels won't get disturbed.

Hannah Baker: Thank you again, Madam Vastra.

Clay Jensen: It was nice to meet you. All 3 of you.

Strax: Farewell Clay Jensen & Hannah Baker. I hope someday to meet you in glory of battle where I will crush the life from your worthless human form for the glory of the Sontaran Empire.

Clay Jensen: Ooookay.

Hannah Baker: Whatever you say, Strax.

They wave each other good bye as The Doctor, Clay, & Hannah enter the TARDIS. The Doctor flips the switch to take off as Madam Vastra, Jenny, & Strax watch the TARDIS dematerialize away. As the TARIDS travels through the time vortex...

Hannah Baker: Doctor, do you think we can make a pit stop?

The Doctor: Where?

Hannah Baker: Anywhere. It's time.

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