Chapter 7: The Weeping Angels

Start from the beginning

Jenny Flint: We've got trouble.

Hannah Baker: What's wrong?

The lights begin to dimming off.

Clay Jensen: What wrong with the lights?

Jenny Flint: They're here.

Jenny takes them out of the study room and head for the front door, only to find a Weeping Angel blocking the door.

Clay Jensen: Holy shit!

Hannah Baker: Is that...?

Jenny Flint: Don't blink. Blink and we're dead.

Clay, Hannah, & Jenny try not to blink as they stare at the Weeping Angel.

Jenny Flint: Keep looking at it and follow me. Don't take your eyes of it.

Jenny leads them to towards the kitchen as they kept their eyes on the Weeping Angels. They go through the kitchen and towards another hallway as they encounter 2 more Weeping Angels. Hannah turns around and sees that the Angel that was blocking the front door is now in the kitchen.

Jenny Flint: Up stairs!

They make their way up stairs without taking their eyes off the Angels. Once they've reached up stairs, they enter a bedroom as they close and lock the door, only for the Angels trying to break the door.

Clay Jensen: That door won't last.

Jenny Flint: The window.

Jenny goes up to the window and opens it up. She climbs out of the window as Clay & Hannah follow her out as well. They climb out the window and begin to climb down as they hear the sound of the bedroom door break down.

Hannah Baker: They've broken through.

As they're climbing down, they look up and see the Weeping Angels look down from the bedroom window.

Jenny Flint: Hannah, keep looking at them.

Jenny makes her way down the ground as she looks up and looks at the Weeping Angels.

Jenny Flint: Alright, you 2.

Clay Jensen: Hannah, I'm right here. I've got you.

Hannah begins to climb down as she now joins Clay. They both continue to climb down. They reach the ground as The Doctor, Madam Vastra, & Strax arrive in the carriage.

Madam Vastra: Get in!

Clay, Hannah, & Jenny climb aboard the carriage as it strolls off with the Weeping Angels right on their tail.

Clay Jensen: That was close.

The Doctor: They want you 2.

Hannah Baker: Why?

The Doctor: The TARDIS., you 2 have traveled on the TARDIS. You're carrying it's energy. The Angels want it.

Clay Jensen: By sending us to the past like they did with Amy & Rory?

Jenny Flint: I've told them about Amy & Rory.

The Doctor: It's ok. Yes, like Amy & Rory. But don't worry, you won't end up like them. I won't let them!

Hannah Baker: Does anyone else feel cramped up in here?

Clay Jensen: Yeah, you're not alone. We need to get the hell out of here.

Madam Vastra: We need to deal with the Angels.

Hannah Baker: Any ideas?

Clay Jensen: What about mirrors? We can trick them into having them look at themselves with mirrors.

The Doctor: We'll need the TARDIS. I can lure them towards the TARDIS, have them surround it, dematerialize the TARDIS with them outside...

Madam Vastra: The TARDIS will be gone and they'll forced into looking at each other.

The Doctor: Correct. I've done it before. All we need is a location where no one will find and move them.

Strax: What about the basement from the abandon estate?

Madam Vastra: The house is condemned.

Clay Jensen: So what's the plan?

The Doctor: We split up.

Everyone: WHAT?

The Doctor: Drop me off at the TARDIS and then head towards the estate. I'll bring the TARIDS there.

The carriage arrives where the TARDIS is located. Madam Vastra peaks out and sees that the Weeping Angels are right behind them. As everyone looks at the Angels, The Doctor enters the

TARDIS and takes off in the air.

Madam Vastra: Go, Strax!

The horses begin to run as the gang now heads for the estate. The Weeping Angels followed them all the way to the estate as they exit the carriage. Strax begins firing his blaster at the Angels but has no effect. They run inside the house and head towards the basement. The TARDIS was already there as The Doctor was waiting for them with the door opened.

Hannah Baker: They're right behind us.

The Doctor: Everybody inside!

Everyone enters the TARDIS as The Doctor looks to see the Weeping Angels have made their way to the basement.

The Doctor: This is what you want?

The Doctor points to his TARDIS as he looks away for a second as the Weeping Angels get closer.

The Doctor: Come and get it.

The Doctor starts walking backwards with him taking his eyes off from the Angels. Once he made his way to the console, Strax closes the doors to the TARDIS as the Weeping Angels now surround the TARDIS and begin shaking it down.

Clay Jensen: They really want to get in don't they.

The Doctor begins flipping switches on the console.

Hannah Baker: Whatever your plan is, do it already!

Clay Jensen: And do it quick!

The Doctor: Here we go. Hold on to your butts!

The Doctor flips the final switch as the TARDIS begins to dematerialize. As the TARDIS dematerializes away, the Weeping Angels were forced to look at each other as they're now nothing but statues. The TARDIS arrives to Madam Vastra's home as they exit ship.

Jenny Flint: We're home. That was a close one.

Clay Jensen: So close. Don't want to imagine what would've happened if they caught us.

Strax: Excellent strategy, sir.

Madam Vastra: Now all we have to do is make sure that those Angels don't get disturbed.

Jenny Flint: Who wants tea?

Everyone is relieved that they managed to escape from the Weeping Angels. As everyone goes into the kitchen...

The Doctor: Madam Vastra, I was wondering if you can help Hannah out.

Madam Vastra: Help her how?

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