Ch. 7

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As you prepare to unlock your apartment door, you feel your phone buzz. Dropping your keys in surprise, you pull your phone out of your pocket, standing on your doorstep.

Well, so much for sleep

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Well, so much for sleep. Then again, you hadn't really gotten much sleep recently, with you going to S every night.

Picking your keys up off of the ground, you unlock your door, stepping inside and kicking off your heels.

Hoisting yourself up onto your kitchen counter, you check the time on your phone.

11:20 AM.

You didn't have much to do today, other than that interview.

Maybe you could go to Sia La Luce for lunch. Talking to Kojiro might be interesting.

Hopping off the counter, you walk down the hall into your room. Sliding open your closet door, you pick out an outfit, laying it on your bed.

Sia La Luce isn't far from your house, only about 20 minutes walking distance. If you left in 10 minutes, you could probably get there by 11:50.

Sliding on a pair of jeans, a turtleneck, and a flannel, you walk out of your bedroom. Walking into the kitchen and grabbing your wallet, keys, and an apple to eat on the way, you head out the door.

The walk there was uneventful, with you playing music the whole time, not talking to anyone.

Pushing open the door to Sia La Luce, you wipe your feet on the inside mat, scanning the restaurant for a certain green haired skater.

You found him, sticking his head out from behind the kitchen area to see who had entered.

"Look who's back. [y/n], right?"

You nodded. Walking up to the bar stool you had sat at this morning, you sigh. "Isn't it unusual for a restaurant to be this empty at lunchtime? It's 11:57."

Kojiro shakes his head, handing you a glass of water. "I'm usually empty this time of the week. Folks are too busy to come for restaurant food, so they usually settle for the fast food place down the street."

You nod, tapping your nails on the table. "Must be rough. Hey, I didn't order this. You trying to poison me?" You poke, smiling.

Kojiro sighs, shaking his head. "It's just water, it's on the house. Are you always so paranoid?"

"When I meet flirty skaters that are known to blab about me on the phone to their friends, yes, I am."

Kojiro looks at you, raising an eyebrow. "Kaoru told you about that?"

You nod. "It came up in conversation."

Why was he so easy to talk to?

You'd just met him, but you already felt pretty comfortable around him.

"So I'm taking it your interview went well?"

You smirk, saying, "Kaoru didn't already tell you? You two seem very close."

Kojiro grits his teeth, irritated. "He doesn't always tell me everything. Anyway, not the point. Did you come here for lunch, or just to see my beautiful face?"

You groan, rolling your eyes. "I came because I thought you'd be interesting. Interesting to talk to, I mean."

Kojiro nods. "Before you start talking though, would you like some Focaccia? Also on the house."

"Foca-what the hell?"

"Fuh-kaa-chuh. It's oven-baked bread." Kojiro says, laughing.

"That sounds delicious." You say, intrigued.

Kojiro smirks, crossing his arms. "You fucking bet it is, especially when I make it! It's made with more yeast than regular bread, so it rises more. What toppings do you want on yours?"

You smile. Kojiro seemed super happy to be sharing food that he'd made with you.

Maybe that's why he started a restaurant in the first place, to share new recipes with people.

"What are my topping options, Chef Kojiro?" You laugh.

"Mushrooms, green onions, olives, or tomatoes."

You hum, thinking. "What do you recommend?"

"Probably green onions or tomatoes."

"Could I have mushrooms and tomatoes please?"

Kojiro nods, walking into the kitchen, looking at you and saying "5 minutes."

As Kojiro walks away, you pull out your phone, opening your messages app. Staring at the texts from Kaoru, you smile. You really were going to learn how to skate after all.

Kojiro bursts through the kitchen doors, holding a plate. You slip your phone in your pocket, and Kojiro puts your plate in front of you.

"Enjoy." He smiles, scratching his head.

Thanking him, you take a bite of the bread, chewing slowly.


"This is really good! Holy shit.¨

Kojiro laughs, saying, "I'm glad you like it. Now, weren't you going to tell me something?"

You nod, taking a sip of water. "Yeah. Well, Kaoru offered to teach me how to skate. And also hired me to work at his company."

Kojiro chokes, seemingly surprised. Coughing, he says, "He offered to teach you to skate? Really?"

You nodded, confused. "Yeah. Is that strange?"

Kojiro sighs bitterly, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "It's strange for Kaoru. He hasn't shown anyone how to skate, not since high school."

You nod, ignoring the awkward silence.

Did something happen to them in high school? It seems like a sore subject...

"So, what time did he plan to meet you?" Kojiro asks, recovering himself.

"11 o'clock tonight." You say, thinking back to the text Kaoru had sent you.

Kojiro nods. "Gotcha. You excited?"

You smile softly, looking at your hands. "A little. Although I do admit I'm afraid of making a bad impression."

Kojiro shakes his head, chuckling. "Trust me, you'll be fine. Kaoru wouldn't have offered to help you learn to skate if he thought you made a bad impression. I think he's looking forward to teaching you, from what I've heard from him."




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