"Thank you for coming with me, even though we almost didn't," he said.

"You should blame yourself for that. You sprung it up on me like a surprise math quiz," I exclaimed loudly. He gave me a hurt face.

"Am I that bad?" he asked innocently, his feigned hurt face still present. I laughed.

"You know you're that bad," I said. I moved closer to him and kissed his cheek. I saw a red tint on them while he beamed.

"Well, that's a nice thing to do after insulting someone," he said. I laughed.

We drove again in silence, but a comfortable one. The radio wasn't switched on, but I liked it that way. I could only hear the silent hum of the car driving through the night, and our breathing. I kept stealing glances of him driving. He seemed to be paying attention to the road, but I could see that he was thinking too. He had a frustrated look on his face, his eyebrows knitted together. But it was still beautiful. I had to look away because it was getting too much.

After driving for about ten to fifteen minutes, we finally came to a building. I couldn't see much of it, but the bits I could see were beautiful. It looked modern, glass covering most of it. Cameron drove to an underground parking lot, which was lit by the customary blue light. Cameron parked his car after he found some space.

"Where are we?" I asked when he turned off the ignition. He turned to me and grinned.

"My place," he said excitedly. He got out and I did the same. We walked up the short flight of stairs to the main reception, which was empty except for one guard sitting behind a large wooden desk. I almost did not see him.

"Hi, Carl." Cameron waved at the burly bald guard. He nodded once at him and smiled.

"Hey, who have you got there?" he asked behind his desk. He had a deep voice. Cameron turned to me and smiled.

"Max, this is Carl. Carl, Max," he introduced. The guard smiled politely and nodded his head in acknowledgement. "You better get used to seeing him, cause you will be," Cameron said again. Carl raised his eyebrows.

"Mhmm, a keeper? Never thought I would see the day," he said. I gave Cameron a look, and he smiled nervously at me.

"Okay, time to go," he exclaimed awkwardly and dragged me to the elevator. He kept on pressing the button repetitiously until it came. He dragged me inside and he pressed the button for the twentieth floor.

"Wow, you live in the twentieth floor?" I asked. He shrugged.

"You got a problem with heights?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Not really." The elevator arrived quickly to his floor and we got out. This time, he didn't drag me. We walked for about ten seconds till we got to his door, which was the last one in the hallway. I noticed that it there were only five doors in this floor. Which was weird.

"Why are there only five doors on this floor?" I asked curiously.

"These are only penthouses on this floor, so there's no space wasted."

"Wow, you live in a penthouse?" he unlocked the door at that very same moment. We stepped in and I was immediately amazed.

I think I stepped into heaven. I was in the entrance, and there was a kitchen to the right. There was the vast expanse of the living room before me, with a surround sound system and a huge flat screen TV. I assumed that it was those new LG 3D curved ones. Then all around the living room were wall sized windows. I don't think there were external walls here, because all I could see was glass. The view of New York was sprawling before me. It was a beautiful sight, like a million stars fallen on the ground.

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