Part 25

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The thought of what Maria said clouded my thoughts the whole way I went home. I've never remembered a time where I'd had bad luck, or at least enough of it to warrant me needing to stay away from Camilo. Everyone's had their days where everything was going wrong, but this was a bit too far. I decided that it was just jealousy, and that was it.

But something still didn't sit right with me. The fact that I had a dream where it was my family next to a crumbling Casita, and then someone comes up to me and says that I'm bad luck. It just wasn't right. I was lost in my thoughts as my body went autopilot and walked me home, only switching it off as I arrived just outside of my house.

It took me a minute to open the door, standing frozen holding the handle. I heard the soft sounds of the voices of my parents, and a sudden wave of confidence came over me. I walked into the living room with my head hung low. My parents seemed to look over to me, their body language seemed to tell me that they are in a good mood, contrasting my confusioN.

"Ah, Y/n, you're back. How was your night?" my father asked me cheerily. I avoided the question, quickly moving onto what my nightmare was about. "I had a nightmare, it was the Madrigals house crumbling again, but instead of them it was us. What does it mean?" I asked, but then quickly second guessed myself, thinking that it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Oh Y/n, you had that nightmare again? I thought you'd grown out of it after last time".

"What" I asked, bringing my head up to stare at them. I'd only had that nightmare twice, and I'd never told them about it. "Is something wrong sweetheart?" my mother asked, a bittersweet smile on her face. "I've...never told you about my nightmare before. I've never had it before a few days ago. What do you mean again?" I asked, raising my voice slightly at the news.

"You had it when you were younger all of the time, you would always tell us, remember?" my father chimed in, a commanding tone in his voice as he said it. "I've only had it twice, how would you know about it if I hadn't told you about it" I argued, more confused at how they knew about the dream despite the fact that I had never brought it up with them before.

"You had often when you were younger, you must have forgotten about it" my father said, his voice softer now as he spoke to me. "This isn't something someone would just forget!" I yelled at him, only now noticing the worried glance my mother gave him. I started to walk away from them and towards the wall. "Be careful, you'll break the mirror, it's bad luck" my mother called from behind my father.

"What, am I a bad luck charm or something to you!" I yelled, my anger taking over me, and the thought of being a bad luck charm resurfaced, making me want to strike a nerve. "Don't push it young lady" my father reprimanded, but I didn't seem to care. "What, am I right?! You seem to be lying to me about something, so just tell me about it!" I stormed, and my mother finally seemed to break. "Yes, we're keeping something from you, but you don't need to know! It'll cause more problems than it'll fix'' she yelled, making me fall back in shock. She'd never yelled at me before, neither of them had, and in anger I stormed back up to my room, slamming it behind me and falling onto my bed.

What were they hiding from me? The two of them had never yelled, so what caused them to snap just like that? And how would they know about the nightmares? I racked my brain over what nightmares I had when I was younger, but it didn't come to mind. Only ones about the normal things, being chased, teeth falling out, but this seemed odd. And dreams like that weren't the type of thing to come out of the mind of a child either, so why would I have them?

I was lost in thoughts, hair falling down over my face as I laid on my side. Then the sound of something hitting glass was heard, making me look over to my window. I carefully walked over, not wanting to step on the broken glass that was on the ground. I opened the window to see Camilo, throwing sticks and stones up to the window to catch my attention, and upon noticing the open window, gave a sad smile.

I reached out towards the tree trunk that was next to my window and slowly climbed down, hearing quiet 'don't fall's being muttered by Camilo. In a few minutes I had touched the ground, and then immediately felt Camilo hug me from behind tightly. "Are you ok? Dolores heard you arguing with your parents, what happened?" he asked, turning me around to face him. "I- I don't want to be here right now" I told him, and he immediately knew what to do.

"Let's go to the river, shall we?"

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