Judo flipping a super soldier

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I barely had time to react before a monsters tail came right at me. 

Thank some non-greek gods that I had reflexes faster than that of a humans or I would've been toast. And burnt toast at that. I quickly jumped over the incoming limb and rolled before jumping with an uncapped Riptide.

When I saw what had attacked me I let out an exasperate sigh. It was a chimera.

'Seriously?! Can I please have just one day without monsters attacking me at their every chance!'

To my surprise, the monster responded.


That was weird even for me.

'... Okay? Anyways, do you wanna go grab a burger? My friends kinda rightfully hate me and it's been ages since I've had a good chit-chat.'

My offer really was genuine. I was tired and lonely and if they didn't try to kill me, I would take all the company I could get. The chimera also looked like they wanted to hang out. I knew first hand just how alone you could feel in His place. I look at them hopefully and waited for their reply.

'Look mate, I wish I could I really do but if word got out then they'd start thinking I couldn't do my job right. So...'

With that semi sympathetic and surprisingly long speech, the chimera attacked.

Our fight only lasted a few minutes at most before the monster was nothing but gold dust in the air. I ran the hand the hand that wasn't holding Riptide through my hair and sighed. I hated this. Monsters had taken everything from me already. I was barely hanging onto my will to live as it was. What more could they want from me?

But I already knew the answer to that.

My life.

I sighed and stood there for a moment, trying to regain the sort of calmness I had before the monster came.

Though that obviously was too many milliseconds of peace for the Fates to allow me.

Steve's PoV:

I was out on a run. I'd had a rubbish day and Tony was being a pain in the a- er rear so I went out on a jog to cool off. I'd gotten a fair miles away from my tower when I heard a commotion. I followed the sound to a badly lit alley. I took a couple of cautious steps further into it.

With the use of my super soldier vision, I saw the outline of what looked to be a lean young man with something in his hand. I squinted slightly and had to hold in a gasp. They were holding a knife!

Back when I'd grown up, if you had a knife then you had probably already used it on someone. And although I'm not one hundred percent sure on this day and age's laws of carrying a weapon the knife seemed to big to be legal. Not to mention the supisious noises I'd heard a minute ago.

All signs pointed to the young man recently having done something very bad. Naturally, I had to apprehend him; this was really putting a dampener on what was supposed to be a nice, peaceful outing.

As quietly as I could, I walked up behind him. I thought I'd been almost as stealthy as Nat but I guess not because a quiet voice said, 'I've already done this once tonight, can't you give me one bloody moment of peace?'

Already done this once tonight?! What the Heaven did that mean? Well it was clear that something had happened so now I had to hand him in to the proper authorities.

Reaching forward, I clamped a hand on his shoulder. Not tight enough to hurt, but he still didn't have a chance at escaping.

Or so I thought.

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