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A familiar car stops on our driveway. A very familiar car. As the front door opens I go downstairs. Jayden didn't want to stay for dinner because he wanted to give us 'family time'. I think it is bullshit but I understand where he is coming from. "KYRA!" Hayley hugs me tight. I missed her, she is my favourite sister. But she is also jade's favourite sister so I suppose that's just who Hails is to us. Jade joins in the hug. "Did you go to see dad yet?" "No, I wanted to see my baby sisters first. Where is mum?" "In the kitchen making pizza." "We're eating pizza. Yes!" Hayley runs into the kitchen leaving her bags in the hallway. "I'm putting Harry Potter on in the living room." "Which one?" I hope it's not deathly hallows part one. It's my least favourite. "Prisoner of Azkaban." "Be there in a minute." "As long as you shut up and don't go all simping for Jayden." "Who is Jayden, Kyr?" Hayley smirks. "Jayden is her boyfriend!" Hayley looks at me as if I betrayed her. "And you didn't tell me?" "Well, it's official since today." "Ask him to come over for dinner!" "He didn't want to. Wanted to give us family time." "Call him! Tell him to come here! There is plenty of food. Mum is making food to feed two dozen people or something." "Okay okay. I will call him!" I scroll through my contacts and call him but Hayley steals my phone. "Hey! I'm Hayley. Get your ass back here and stay for dinner. I want to meet you." He is saying something and Hayley starts smiling, "Great, see you in 10 minutes." She hangs up and hands me my phone again. "He'll be here in 10 minutes. What are we watching?" "Harry Potter. Prisoner of Azkaban." "Yes!" We both rush into the living room where Jade already put the movie on. "Hey girls." Mum settles with us on the couch and for once it feels like family again. "Sebastian will be coming for dinner as well and I just heard Jayden was coming too?" "Yup! I need to meet him!" "Hails!" "Oh it's not like I didn't know you guys were becoming something. It was obvious. You aren't good at hiding that Kyr." Liar. If I weren't you would know about the scars, the drugs, previous almost suicide attempt and the darkness stuck in my brain. "Will you guys shut up and just watch the movie!" "Okay Jade. We will shut up." We focus on the movie until the doorbell rings and Jayden is at the door. "Hello." My mum walks into the kitchen to check on the food. "Hey!" I hug him and we go into the living room. "So you are Jayden." Hails starts asking him a bunch of questions while I hide in the kitchen to help mum out. "So, does he make you happy?" My mum smiles at me. "He makes me very happy mum. Really happy." "Good." She kisses my forehead. "Will you take the salad and garlic bread into the living room? I'll follow with the pizza." "Can I do something?" Sebastian shows up in the kitchen through the backdoor. "You can get the drinks. I want wine. So does Hayley I think." "Alright!" Sebastian gives my mum a kiss and I get a hug. Even though he isn't my dad and hasn't been around that long yet, I really like him. Mum already brings the pizza's away so I'm left with him. "Who is the new guy?" "That's Jayden. My boyfriend." "Wow! Nice!" We fist bump and we also go in the living room. We all enjoy dinner, like a family. Which is weird because we hardly eat together. We all kept tonight free for Hails, it would be rude if some of us would be gone tonight.

Yesterday was fun. Today we're going to a hang out all of us together. Jayden said he would pick me up in about 5 minutes so I'm already down stairs. A car parks in front of my house. Strange, it isn't Jayden's. We are going swimming, all of us together. It's a hot day and we all could use some time off from our studying for exams. The doorbell rings and I open it to see, Ryan? "Hello love, it is good to see you." "Come on in Ryan!" I laugh. "Do you want some water while I go grab my bag?" "Yes please." I get him a glass and introduce him to Hayley. "Ry, this is my sister Hayley but I prefer to call her Hails. Play nice. Both of you!" There comes a laughing sound out of my throat but the words I spoke where serious. I go upstairs to grab my bag and to recheck it. Hails and Ryan would be cute together honestly. Totally each other's type. I run back down the stairs and see them laughing and talking. "Ry, you good to go?" "Yes let's go. Love to hear more about it dear." "Until next time." "See you later." My eyes roll and I punch Ryan in the arm when we're in the car. "Ow! What is that for?" "She's my sister! Don't get any bad ideas in your head, she's smart." But secretly, I want him with Hayley. Honestly spoken, they would be so good together. Even now after they met each other. They would make an awesome couple. "You should've asked if she wanted to join!" "She said she was going to my dad today Ry. I would've asked otherwise." "Okay then. If you say so Kyr." I laugh and turn the music on.

Lou and Maya jump on me when we get out of the car. Of course I hug them back with the same energy. "They are getting hugged before me?" I turn and Jayden is behind me. I kiss him and smile. "Uh some of us don't want to see that. Can we please find a spot to lay in the sun and put our towels and other stuff down." "Nahw, does Tyler feels lonely?" " You're just as lonely as me Ryan." "Not for much longer!" "You just met my sister! If you want to do stuff get to know her first but still she is my sister!" "I ship it!" Maya laughs loudly. "Same!" Lou and Jayden start laughing too. "Okay fine. You can get to know my sister." We all laugh while walking to find a good place to sit. It's already incredible crowded and we barely can find a good spot but there is one. Again Jay takes a lot of pictures. It's almost normal, hanging out. Like I didn't just meet this people three weeks ago. But I'm grateful. So grateful that I met them. It's like a family. My family, as if we've known each other our entire lives.

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