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I strolled along the busy path that was crowded with other people. At this time of day things would usually be a bit quieter elsewhere, but not in Nagasaki. I surveyed the crowd trying to find something that piqued my interest.

I happened to see an elderly man walking in the opposite direction to me. He had just paid one of the merchants for food at his stall when I spotted a rather shiny-looking thing in his wallet. My curiosity peaked and my target was set as the man came nearer. I kicked up a rock from the ground onto my foot and just as the man was within arm's reach- I flung the rock at his ankle. Just as I expected he stumbled forward right into my arms.

Signature move!

"Oh dear," the man looked up at me and frowned, "I'm terribly sorry." I simply plastered on my kind smile as I skillfully patted him down and took his wallet. "It's okay sir, are you alright?" My face showed sincerity and concern but my hands, however, were not so kind as I rummaged through his wallet, quickly finding what had caught my attention. "Oh no no, please forgive me, it was all my fault." The old man kept on apologizing to me as if I were some sort of noble. Not that I minded, it was nice not being talked down to.

"I promise everything's alright, I'm just glad you're not injured." I slipped his wallet back into his kimono. "Thank you so much, dear." He smiled sweetly at me and I felt my heart warm up. Gross. I told the man it was no problem and wished him a good day, adding in a little finger salute for fun.

After a few steps, I turned around and saw he was gone. I grinned playfully. Slipping out my new item from inside my grey, fingerless glove, I took a good look at what I presumed a jewel. I flipped it between my fingers watching the sunlight dance off of it as I spoke my analysis aloud.

"Good craftsmen work, nearly looks real. Heh, I bet any poor sucker would take it for the real thing." I stared at the tiny diamond in my hand knowing that people could hear me, but wouldn't bother listening. People get so caught up in their own lives that they miss important stuff. No wonder so many murders and other crimes go unsolved.

I stuffed the fake diamond into a little black bag, which I then put in the patchwork one that was slung across my body. I made sure to adjust my hood so you could only see my hair; silver strands and black roots.

I slightly turned my head around and searched in the corner of my eye to check for stalkers.

No one.

That's a little sad that no one was following me, I really wanted to play with someone.

That was when I saw quite the large man with long red hair and a massive smile on his face. Walking beside him was another man- a little bit shorter with dark blue hair tied back, and a priest's uniform clothing his body.

I'm kinda bored, and it's always fun beating the big guys.

I lightly smirked as I started waking the way of the two men, a small skip in my step that I had to calm down as I got close. Keeping my head low I strayed lightly to the side then- BAM! I bumped straight into the man with red hair. I was small, I'll admit, but I was surprisingly heavy and the unexpected impact made my victim nearly go tumbling back.

I quickly looked up with a face of shock and guilt, emotions that failed to reach my emerald eyes.

"Oh my- I'm incredibly sorry sir!" I squeaked out, putting my hands on his chest to "stabilize myself". The man with red hair looked down at me. Holy shit he's tall.

The man gave me a lighthearted smile and said with an equally lighthearted chuckle: "Don't worry about it kid, just try and be more careful next time. Not everyone you bump into will be as forgiving as me." He proudly stuck out his chest and when his, and the man next to him gazes were averted, I slipped the wallet into my kimono.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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