randy meeks

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recommended song for this chapter -
Back to the Old House - The Smiths (2011 remaster)

it was an early morning and i was absolutely dreading opening my eyes. i shifted in bed and felt that randy wasn't next to me. i shot up with a dumbfounded look on my face and grabbed my analog clock. i had noticed it was only 11:00 AM so i wasn't entirely sleeping away the day. i slowly got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. i brushed my teeth and then i immediately remembered that randy had stayed over while my parents were out of town. i hastily made my way downstairs just to see him.
"there you are!" randy exclaimed. he was making breakfast while listening to some records i had. "smells amazing randy." i finally said. randy smiled and got back to making breakfast and i just sat at the island and watched. randy said," do you like what you see?" with a little shimmy and stupid grin on his face. i didn't even notice that i had a smile plastered on my face. "of course i do, why wouldn't i love to see my boyfriend shirtless making breakfast for me?" i replied with a slight giggle.
randy finished making breakfast and he made us both plates. "i feel like i'm at a fancy restaurant." i said. "it's because you have moi as a chef! i mean i am just the best boyfriend right?" randy replied. i jokingly hit his shoulder and started to eat. we both finished our meals and cleaned our plates. "can we go sit on the couch and put something on?" i asked. randy without an answer scooped me up and ran to the couch. randy then said,"you make the popcorn and i'll pick a good scary movie." he pecked me on the lips and i was off to do exactly what he asked. i'd be lying if i said i didn't love that guy. i admire his passion for films and music.
word count: 356
i figured i'd make this really quickly just to feed you guys a decently written piece.

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