"She is?" Weiss piped up.

"Of course. Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!" He explained. "Now let us be off girls and boy, we best make it to the city before sundown. And according to my calculations that can only be done if we start moving five minutes ago." He then shooed us along. Along the way the team and him began talking but I had tuned them out, pulling out a hex tome to pass the time.


"Ah good, here we are. Ahead of schedule too." Oobleck spoke up. I put away my tome and look up to the sight of a ruined city. "Welcome to Mountain Glenn, one of humanities greatest failures."

"Woah..." Ruby quietly whispered.

"Woah indeed." Oobleck stated as he stepped onto the empty street. "Weiss, you asked why history is important. "This," His hands extend outward, "is why. One of the greatest horrors since the Faunus rebellion is standing right before us and history can tell us why this is a horror and not proof of the might of sapiant creatures."

"Human and Faunus came together to build something beyond the most fortified city or quiet village and it failed misserably. Now, this is nothing more than a home for grimm. Like the ones over there." His tone shifted to his usual as he pointed out a single beowolf. Team RWBY readied their weapons but didn't engage as Oobleck had put his hand up.

"Wait! The grimm have yet to see us. In the field every resource is precious. That includes your ammo. Don't engage unless engaged. Besides, that grimm is alone. It'd be far better to follow it to its pack... which is also there. And now they've seen us."

"What?!" Weiss screamed.

"And now they've seen us!" He repeated directly into her ear before dashing away. "Girls, show me what you've learned. Y/n, stay on the side."

I nod at this and move to the back of the party along with him. While team RWBY where occupied with the Grimm I turned to Oobleck. "So what exactly happened here? I doubt it was abandoned over night."

Oobleck watched the team fight, not sparing Y/n a glance, but spoke. "It was, in fact. Everyone has a theory or two but no one knows the cause. I firmly believe it to be a text book case of humanities stubborn nature."

A beowolf ran past Ruby and beelined it towards the two of us but was stopped as Ruby used her semblance and momentum to kick it into a wall. "Nature huh? Care to explain?"

"The man in charge of this city was a closeted human supremacist. He was bitter about the recent "defeat", as he called it, by the hands of the faunus and chose to go off and build this city. He planned for it to be a utopia for like minded individuals. All that negativity was like a buffet for the grimm."

"If that's the case, they'd have seen some activety no?" I asked as I watched Weiss freeze a flock of small Nevermore.

"Ah, but they did. Before the people went on to exterminate all the grimm within a ten kilometer radius of this city this land was home to old and ancient grimm. Dare I say, older than the deathstalker seen at the entrance exams. As you should know, the older the grimm the smarter. A lesser known fact is their territorial nature. When they saw this buffet of humans set up shop in their territory they acted." A young deathstalker joined the fight, gaining the attention of Ruby. She then ordered Blake and Weiss to deal with it.

"The grimm would send small bouts of young to keep the humans tame. Next thing you knew, the caves split open and flooded the subway before moving topside. The man in charge had cut communication with Vale so by the time they knew what had happened not a man, woman, or child stood in this city."

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