Part 4

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Jungkook Pov
I woke up feeling so sore and tired. I looked around and saw I was in a different room and felt someone holding me. I looked under the covers and saw the marks on my thighs and I remembered what happened yesterday and my face got really red. He fucked me so hard he was so merciless and I loved it. I noticed I was clean and in just his shirt.

I probably can't even stand

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I probably can't even stand. After a minute I felt him kiss my neck.
Tae:Are you awake Kitten
My face got red and I pretended to sleep.
Tae:Your pretending but your very red face says otherwise
He turned me to him and I hid in his chest.
Tae;Cute you weren't shy telling Master how much you loved his big cock pounding so deep inside you and how much you loved how big I was why now huh
Tae:Did you sleep well
I nodded
Tae:No answer and look at me
Tae:I said look at me
I shyly did and he kissed my nose.
Tae:I don't like it when you don't answer or look at me
S.. Sorry
Tae:Don't do that again ok
I won't
Tae:Good boy you know I love you so much right
I..I love you too. He sat me up and he got up and got changed.

Tae;Don't be so shy you've seen way more than this I

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Tae;Don't be so shy you've seen way more than this
I..Ik. He pulled me on his lap facing him.
Tae:I love how shy you get it's adorable
W..Why did you hypnotize me
Tae: Because your my little toy
Do you do that to anyone else
Tae:Yes I usually use them until they are useless to me or until I get bored and make them feel worthless and hate themselves
Really is that why Jimin and you said I'm different
Tae:Yes the second I saw you I couldn't do that so I decided to play with you differently
Tae;Don't worry Love I never hurt you I just made you bow to me and spin around the room and stuff
You also made me call you Master
Tae:No you just did that on your own and the second you called me that I just wanted to fuck you right on that couch
You didn't
Tae;Of course not I played with you but i wouldn't hurt you I waited for you to let me
Oh I always liked you
Tae:I could tell I just liked to see what you would obey
Oh I don't mind but you don't have to do that I...I'll do whatever you want
Tae: So you want to obey whatever I order you to huh like a little pet
He kissed me and I giggled
Tae:A very special pet your mine all mine
I'm yours you'll never get bored and leave right
Tae:Of course not why would you think that
Well it's just you said usually you use others until they are useless to you or you get bored
Tae:No no I'd never do that to you I love you so much
Tae:Of course yes you are my little pet but I do love you I'd never let you go
I love you too
Tae;Don't worry Love you are mine forever and I'm yours
Ok have you ever done this before
Tae:Oh like you
Tae;No you are the first and last
Tae:You look so sexy with my marks especially on your thighs
Tae:I should probably take that plug out now
Tae:Well I put it in when I took you here and I washed you with it in
Tae;To make sure all the cum inside you stays in and there is a lot
Y..You didn't have to do that
Tae:I wanted to make sure all my cum deep inside you stayed in your body
I...I ok
Tae:You know what I'll leave it longer
Tae:What you were begging me to fill you as much and deep as I could with my cum and now your so shy
Tae:Ok ok I'm never letting you go
And I'm never leaving I probably can't stand now
Tae:You have me to carry you
Ok Tae well I guess I don't have to go every day now
Tae;Well you do I want you with me but you can be my assistant
Assistant sure what would I do
Tae:Stay with me at all times and do whatever I want
Ok can I be on your lap
Tae:Of course you always will all the time
Yay I'm sleepy
Tae:Then rest I'll be here
Ok Tae. I snuggled into his arms and he held me tightly and I fell asleep.

Hypnosis TaekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora