## 6

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eric pov

we finished eating breakfast and i slowly started to clean the dishes to allow haeun to get ready for the day, she does like to make herself look pretty i notice, honestly my social battery is not always at its best especially after everything that happened yesterday so i thought it was best to enjoy the day just the two of us, as long as she's happy i'm happy too. because that's what anyone needs - happiness.

after quite a while she came out of the room showing off her flowy black dressed, paired with knee high boots and a white shoulder bag, i don't blame her for taking so long she is the fashion icon in this household anyways, "wow you look so good!" i praised "thank you, my fashion skills are paying off" she laughed "you should be a fashion student" i suggest jokingly "oh i am." she said seriously but with a smile, no wonder she always looks presentable even when she's crying.

cupping her face with her hands she asks "well get ready then i wanna see where we're going!" she said excitedly a complete duality from last night. i nod and take a quarter of the time she took to get ready but still looking good as ever with my usually bf look : a hoodie, trousers, and a cargo jacket, and for my hair just my fluffy curly hair but not too curly just the hair that makes you want to play with it constantly, i'm that cute.

"readyyy" i call out catching her put her final lip touches, "we're not going to the red carpet haeun" i say laughing at her extraness "you never know i might bump into the love of my life today" she casually says plumping her lips together, leaving me speechless at her logic, pretty smart. tying up my last laces we leave the apartment and head to my car.

"can i put music?" haeun asked kindly, "sure as long as you have good music taste" i say my mind only focused on driving with good music, "my music taste is not 'good' it's elite" she laughed syncing her phone to the car, a few seconds later a familiar song played "you give me something I need in my life~" the song played as she sang along "see good music taste" she lifted one eyebrow up cockily, "DUDE THIS IS MY SHIT" i said loudly because love by dean ft syd is a bop. "you listen to krnb too?" she asked happily

"do i listen to it, that is my blood oh my" destiny i say this is. the whole journey was spent listening to her krnb playlist which was most likely identical to mine we arrived at the destination : the art gallery. usually art galleries are boring or whatever but i specifically choose this one as the paintings and pieces were all minimalist, whenever i see haeun at the cafe she always admires the pretty room and the perfect time to visit this was right before sunset during golden hour where the minimalist aura is highlighted with beautiful shadows,,

the perfect place to spend the day worry free, we headed through the exhibit, naturally taking in the masterpieces we were surrounded by, for me i was quite familiar with this place as i'd visit it to get my mind off of y/n (from new boy book) being here with someone else was refreshing, i'd hear the occasional snaps of haeun's camera in the distance as she took close ups of the various artworks. something about haeun's aura when she glistens in the sunlight is mesmerising, my eyes couldn't leave her face.

i was busy admiring the art, not sure the difference between the artwork, but truly her honey pooled eyes shimmering in the golden hour along with her sparkly makeup and hair really made her look like a work of art. with that i took out my phone and snapped a few photos for myself to keep, just in case i want to reminisce on this moment, unfortunately the sound was on as she caught me taking photos.

"ya! if you're going to take photos tell me" she snapped handing me the camera, "ok model pose then" i say sassily taking various shots, "don't you want photos too?" she asked looking me dead in the eyes, not sure if she was annoyed at my shit camerawork or if she wanted to see me pose. either way she took many shots of me also and with that we ended the trip with some more krnb,

whilst heading back to our apartment, she asked a sudden question : "do you have instagram?" she asked, "yeah why?" i answered out of curiousity, "what's your @ so i can tag you in this" she said showing me the photo briefly, "it's erics0hn" i said taking a double take at the photo "hey! my head is cropped off" i raise my voice slightly how dare she cut off my handsome face, "not my fault you're so tall" she jokingly rolled her eyes.

haeun pov

today was fun. no fun is an underestimate. today was the best, day, ever. and i mean it never knew i'd have such a good time with him but maybe being alone with eric isn't as bad as i thought, besides anything to get my mind off of everything, the beautiful art work today enlightened me especially having such a good looking friend along with me, i scrolled through the photos we took within the gallery and looked at this specific one which was perfect for my feed and so i posted it along with the permission of eric of course.

"aish that damn jaehyun" i cursed to myself quietly forgetting my dumbass brother follows me, soon after i read his comment his caller id popped up on my screen "WHO IS THAT!!" i heard him scream from the other side of the phone "calm down oh my" ...

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"aish that damn jaehyun" i cursed to myself quietly forgetting my dumbass brother follows me, soon after i read his comment his caller id popped up on my screen "WHO IS THAT!!" i heard him scream from the other side of the phone "calm down oh my" i resort, "CALM DOWN? DON'T TELL ME IT'S THAT MF AGAIN" he screamed loudly making me put the phone away from my ear "it's not don't worry bye" i quickly hung up not hearing his last words before i cut the call. "who was that?" eric asked whilst driving, "eh no one" i said as it wasn't that big of a deal.

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