33- of course i waited

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I grabbed the handle to the bathroom door, swinging it open before rushing down the hall to where Nathan was sat. He was sat clueless, a glass in his hands, a slight pull at his lips as he watched my expression almost drained of any feeling.

"Nathan... what the fuck is this ?" I held the bag in his face, watching as every inch of emotion dropped from his face. "You have been on fucking coke this whole time haven't you ?"

"So what ? It's the eighties... it's normal. It's what people do. You should try it." He laughed sickly, my mind flashing with images of my dad. He was almost just like him.

"I don't wanna be with you anymore Nathan..." it took confidence to say that, which before it wouldn't of. There was a plain and new fear revolving around him now that I knew he was on the same thing my dad had been.

"Adelynn I love you. You can't let this break us up."

"No. I don't love you. Not at all. Not one bit. I thought you would help me move on from someone. I like you, a lot, but I don't love you."

"Move on from someone ? You're a typical model ain't you ? Sleeping with all kinds of people and then using the half decent guys." He took the glass in his hand and smashed it against the coffee table I was stood behind. He got up from his seat, his expression flooded with an anger that came way too quickly, which caused me to quickly take it. It was easier to let him think he was the bigger person in what I knew was about to be an argument far too serious for my liking.

"You're on coke ? Nathan that shit ruined my life !" I yelled back, watching him as he paced along the carpet shaking his head back and forth.

"How did you expect me to know that when I barely know you ?"

"Exactly. You barely know me. We can't be together if you barely know me." I threw my hand around dramatically, not thinking about his early moments when I slammed them against the table covered in shattered glass. He laughed as I let out a small scream in pain, lifting both hands up to see them both imbedded with glass, my left one containing a shard that left a deep slash against my palm managed to poor with blood.

"Get out. I'm done with you. Get out." He mumbled, a hurt in his voice I wasn't quite prepared for as his finger pointed towards the door I'd barely even walked through.

"Nathan my hands..."

"Get out !" He yelled again. I shook my head, laughing to try and stop the tears I wanted to let go, struggling to open his front door before I slammed it behind me. I ran down the stairs of his apartment block, the pain in my hands worsening as I picked out every shard I could manage to, most of them buried too deep in my skin for my shaky fingers to pull them out.

I knew for a fact I couldn't drive, and that if I needed to be anywhere it was a hospital, but I had no idea how I was gonna get there. I knew there was a phone box only at the end of the road, so that's exactly where I rushed to. I also knew which number I was gonna call, because they were the only person I could think of in that moment, and the only arms I wanted to be in after what I could only describe as too painful and too sudden.

It was pitch black out, but the street lights lit a clear enough path for me to reach the phone box and dial the right number after sliding some loose change from my pocket into the machine. I waited for seconds that felt like hours for an answer, my hand shaking with pain as it held the phone to my ear, the other pouring with blood.

"Hello ?"

"I really need you to pick me up. Please. I'm on erm... I'll be sat on the curb by the cafe- the one we met in the other week. Please." My heart was beating so quickly I couldn't process it's speed, my words matching it's pace as they rushed passed my lips.

More than just a friend || Roger Taylor Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang