
‘The Beginning’, two first Gods who later called the Origins, two factions called World Gods and Outer Gods, Laws, and the mystery of the Origins…those are shocking history from the birth of the universe until these days.

‘Outer Gods…why do I feel like she is one of the Origins?’ He shook his thought then look at the purplish-red thread.

Cale felt goosebumps simply looking at the string, ‘…Why am I feeling that it was more dangerous than before?’

He suddenly felt resentment and anger from the particular purplish-red string towards him. He doesn’t know why, he was confuse to it.

Using the string, he gently approach it and once the string touch it…this time, it’s different.

“Argh!” Cale suddenly cough out blood with a sting of unimaginable pain hit in his body. He can hear his ancient powers panicking along with his plate cracking.

New information came and organize to his ‘Record’ which is now fused to his strings. This time, it was about the Origins.

<The first God born with the power of Chaos. He has the power to erase, destroy, and recreating the existence of the universe if he wishes to. He is the strongest God, nothing can stop him destroying the universe. He only has one weakness, and that is the second God.>

<The second God born after the first God in the nanomillion years later. She has the power of creating, controlling, and rewriting everything of the universe if she wishes to. She rules the Gods and no Gods can disobey her except the first God. Her only weakness is the first God.>

<After two factions formed, the first Gods now are called the Origins. And now mysteries unfold until these days of their main bodies, only their clones are everywhere to maintain the universe’s balance and existence.>

<It was the unknown what the Origins are doing right now.>

<Beware to the Law of Order and Chaos.>

<Those Laws are part of their main bodies.>


Cale crouches his body, his nails dig into his skin. Ugly dark red veins pop out to his body, like his body is like the body of the necromancer.

Black blood flows out through his orifices and eyes are bloodshot. Cale use all his strength just to maintain to open his half-closed eyes just to see what will happened next.

And there really is.

Tap. Tap.

Footsteps echoes through the endless darkness. Except to the two normal looking strings, the rest are shaking, suddenly disappear like they didn’t exist.

Those footsteps slowly getting louder to him, knowing that the owner of those footsteps are coming towards him.

Like a curtain, the darkness shows the appearance of the unknown variable. It was a man in black.

Everything he wears, from his windbreaker robe to the shoes, are black mixing with dark purple and dark red. Only his gloves and mask are white. Mist formed down to his body with it connected to his black hair that reaches his waist.

Horns are like branches in the color of purplish-red, and purplish-red reptilian eyes look at him in coldness with the hint of anger and resentment. He seems like this person has offended by something.

‘…Why is he looking at me like that?’ Cale confused while frowning in pain.

[[…Why?]] The man spoke in irritation. Seems like he can read his mind.

[[How dare you touch my wife’s Law with your dirty string?]] His voice was freezing cold that is much colder than the north.

‘Wife’s…Law? Wait. Those strings are…Laws?’ Cale was so confuse right now on what kind of bullshit is he talking about.

Then a hand appear on the man’s shoulder. A familiar transparent hand touch the man’s shoulder, making the man flinched.

[[Go back.]] A familiar voice echoes throughout the darkness as the darkness swallows him. The voice spoke again, this time, to Cale.

[[The test is complete.]]

Then Cale close his eyes and turn to stardust and disappear. The darkness return to its tranquillity with strings appears back to its place, like nothing happened before.


Well, the man returns after Cale disappear. This time, there is someone besides him.


The woman who Cale seen multiple times in Stellaris raise her head as she look at the man.

[[…He is perfect for this job after the awakening solidification. He is the only one who can survive here.]]

[[…Right. Among those ‘Destinies’ you choose, no one survives even with your protection. His strings and ‘Record’ are perfect for this job. But…]]

[[Chaos, next time, control yourself. These days, your jealousy can make the universe reached in ‘The End’ instantly if not for me controlling you.]]

[[B-But his dirty strings touches your pure and fair Law! No one can sullied you except-]]

[[Except who?]] Order raise her eyebrow underneath her Veil of Stars as she stares dagger at Chaos whose words are cut-off.

[[Except…]] Chaos hesitate. If not for his mask, she can see him blushing in deep red from embarrassment.

[[I have some business to do. I’m leaving first.]] He hurriedly disappear, leaving Order behind.

Order look through the strings in stoic expression, then a rare chuckles echoes through the darkness, she disappear throughout the darkness before saying a word,


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