Chapter 1

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[[You know what you did, right?]]

A certain voice that is not a male or a female speak through the certain redhead's mind, who is lying down on the rocking chair basking in the sunlight at the balcony.

He answer through his thought, 'I know what I'm do-'

[[No, you're not, Cale.]] It cutting him off, [[If not for my intervention, the other Gods, especially with evil intentions, will willing to capture you with any price.]]

Cale shrugged his shoulders when he remember what just happened a while ago.

When he secretly protect Choi Han's group from the Arm in the Elf Village from the Ten Finger Mountains. He use some of his powers to preserve Pendrick's life from a month and a few weeks, and that reveals his position.

He almost get caught by Choi Han's group that time. If not for the intervention of the owner of the voice, he's already being detained by Choi Han's group right now.

A black blob of existence plus the two cats enter to his room. The baby dragon holding the glowing video communication device said,

"Human, someone made a call!"

Cale get up and stretch his body. Even it's tiresome, he still do it.

"Raon, give me my mask and veil."

"Got it, human!"

Raon took out a particular black plain mask that only cover the upper face and a black veil that shines like a star.

Wearing the mask and veil that covers his shoulder-length hair, he sit down to the chair and said,

"Raon, turn it on."


Raon commenced the video communication and soon, a face appeared on top of the half transparent orb.

It was a girl with purple curly long hair that covers with dark purple veil with her eyes cover with black ribbon. She greets him,

>Greetings, Lord Black Star.

Cale respond with a nod, "Have you done what I asked for?"

>Yes, my lord. Everything had done.

"Good. When they we're about to move, contact me immediately.

>Yes, my lord.

"And please don't call me 'my lord' when we're only two of us, Violet."

>…Please forgive me, young master. I can't help it.

Violet honestly respond. The dragon and the cats talk to Violet.

"Pretty Violet, when you come back, buy us souvenirs!"

"Buy with Cale too!"

"Remember our souvenirs, Unnie!"

>Yes, young lords. Farewell, Lord Black Star and the young lords.


The three kids says goodbye as the communication device turn off. Cale took off the veil and mask and give it back to Raon as he store in his dimensional pocket.

"On, Hong, come here. Raon, you too. We're going back home."

Cale took On and Hong to his embrace and Raon landed through his arms and put his head through his shoulder.

He walk out to the room with cold mist enveloped around his body and the 3 children. It didn't take a few seconds until the mist disappear together with them.

The voice that just silent a while ago sigh as it speaks itself.

[[…it will gonna be a problem later on. God of Death already notice his problematic presence and later on, those he protected secretly will knocked on his door.]]

It sigh again, [[Then I'll make more countermeasures for Cale and the rest if danger arise.]]

Then the voice went silent again in the empty room of the certain villa.

Cold mist dispersed and Cale and the average 9-year-old kids appear inside a luxurious room. Unlike the previous one they left earlier, this room is more extiquished.

The door open and a man that is in 20s, wearing a white butler suite and white-gold long hair tied in ponytail, greets Cale and the kids with a smile.

"Welcome back, Young Master Cale, Raon, On, and Hong."

"Candy Bro!"



The kids jump out on Cale's embrace and went towards the certain butler. The butler took out something out of his pocket and gave it to the children.

The things he gave are candies in different flavors. The butler chuckles, "Kids needs happiness to relax."

"Yeah, yeah…you only care for the kids and not your lord you served." Cale spoke in grumpiness.

Raon fly towards Cale. He asked, "What?"

"Human, open your mouth."

Cale didn't know what he want to do but he do what Raon said. He open his mouth wide.

Raon put something on his mouth. Cale taste something sweet with milky strawberry flavor.

He guess, "Strawberry Milk Candy."

"We care you too, human. So don't be grumpy."

"Yeah, yeah…" Cale rub Raon's head before looking to the butler, "Geno, any news for the Arm's movement?"

"Yes, Young Master." He took out a pile of papers along with a monocle under his suite. He put the monocle in his right eye before he read the papers.

"Thanks to the help of the Whale Tribe, we got the information that the Indomitable Alliance along the Arm will set sail almost at the same time as the Wyvern Brigades."

"The Bear Tribe prepare to set sail towards Caro Kingdom."

"The Mogoru Empire slowly take a move once the war commenced."

"As for the rest, we still clarify their movement."

Cale sit in the couch listening to Geno's report. He frowns from the report that Geno got from their secret source.

"…I wish I could smack behind White Shit right now." He mumbles.

Geno and the average 9-year-old kids hear him mumbling. Geno smile and the kids gets exited. Raon viciously speaks in excitement.

"Human! This great and mighty Raon Miru will smack behind White Star for you! Then steal his base before explode it with many bombs!"


Cale felt helpless to these situation. Meaning, what kind of thoughts that makes a 6-year-old baby dragon goes crazy? Even the other two kids thought the same!

Nonetheless, Cale blames himself as he is their guardian. It's already been a year since he save them.

"…Geno." Cale called him out his name. Geno smile as he knows what he asked, "The same as usual?"

"With Beef Ramyeon."

"With pleasure." He bows before he leaves the room. Children plays and chat in his bed as he seat on the sofa, leaning back and close his eyes.

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