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Hey guys, so sadly this is probably not the update you were hoping for. As of right now, I have no intetntions of finishing this story :( There are a few reasons why I have decided not to go on with it: 

1. I started writing this story when I was thirteen which was many years ago. I would like to think that my writing has improved since then and I feel the story would appear very choppy and inconsistent if I started again now. 

2. I honestly forgot how I was going to have the story end, and right now I can not think of a way to tie it all together nor do I really have the desire to. I write because I enjoy it and it's a fun hobby, but if I feel pressured or forced to write something I do not want to, then where's the fun in that??

3. I'm actually working on a new story now callled Star Crossed. Perhaps if you enjoyed this story, you would like the new one I'm working on, which I promise will have an ending ;) The writing style and structure are similar, and this new story also is considered Romance. Please give it a try and let me know what you think. If you absolutely hate it, I PROMISE that I will come back to this story. Sound like a plan???

Again, I love you all and I want to thank you for sticking with and encouraging me after all this time. 



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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