Chapter 3: The Instructor

Start from the beginning

The whole class laughs at The Doctor's response to Pratters.

The Doctor: Let's try something else. I'm gonna try first impressions.


The Doctor: I'm gonna choose one of you and try to guess the kind of person you are.

Skye Miller: Is he serious?

Clay Jensen: I think he is.

The Doctor begins to walk around the classroom as he suddenly stops by Justin Foley.

The Doctor: You! I'm gonna guess that you have a smile that melts a hundred hearts.

Justin smiles at him.

The Doctor: Ha, I was right. He does have a great smile.

Justin Foley: That I do, Doc.

The Doctor: And you're totally someone who would never keep a very dark secret, especially from his girlfriend.

Justin's smile immediately faded away.

Oh, no! What's he trying to do?

The Doctor now makes his way towards Sherri Holland.

The Doctor: You! Cheerleader?

Sherri smiles at The Doctor.

Sherri Holland: Yes, how did you know?

The Doctor: First impression. And you seem like a nice person. Someone who would never get someone else hurt.

Sherri immediately loses her smile.

Please don't come my way.

The Doctor comes towards Hannah's direction, only to turn around and point at Clay.

The Doctor: You.

Clay Jensen: Go ahead.

The Doctor: A ladies man.

Everyone laughs at the fact The Doctor thinks that Clay Jensen is a ladies man.

Jaime Garrison: In his dreams.

The Doctor: Now, now, settle down. So I'm wrong. Maybe you're a shy person who thinks he's socially awkward and has feelings for a certain someone.

Clay Jensen: Umm, nope.

The Doctor turns to look at Hannah.

Please, look away.

The Doctor: Someone who wears a helmet while riding his bike.

Clay Jensen: Well, yeah. Everyone wears a helmet while wearing a bike.

The Doctor: But do girls think you look adorable wearing it?

Zach Dempsey: Hannah does.

Some of the student begin to laugh.

The Doctor: Why is that funny? That's great.

Skye Miller: It is?

The Doctor: Yes. Hannah, do you think Clay looks adorable wearing a helmet while riding a bike?

Damn you, Doctor!

Hannah Baker: If you'd see him doing that, you would agree.

Courtney Crimsen: I have. He does look adorable wearing. He's even more adorable when he speaks in 3rd person.

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