Chapter One: The Newbie

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Ok, I just wanted to explain Y/N's quirk since it's a bit confusing. My friend came up with the idea because it fits in with the darker themes that are later in this fanfic. Her quirk is called 'Seduction'; basically, her 5 senses have different aspects of attraction, and this gives off the illusion that you're in love with her.

Sight is an aesthetic attraction, so when everyone looks at her, they find her physical appearance almost intoxicating. Sound is a romantic attraction, so whenever she speaks people assume they have feelings for her. Touch is a sensual attraction, so when people touch her, they think they're in love with Y/N.

Scent is a lustful attraction, which is the main source of her trauma. If anyone uncovers her natural scent (She wears a lot of perfume to try and cover it) they want to... you know, do her. She's become really self-conscious of this because this, sound and sight are the ones she can't fully control, and even when her quirk isn't activated people still may be affected. However, this isn't the most dangerous one.

Taste isn't exactly an attraction trait, it's an overwhelming sense of love that it's so toxic; this being addiction. When I mean taste, I mean like blood. In other words, Y/N would want to stay far away from Himiko Toga! :D Taste is the only one that can work long distances and cannot be naturally cancelled out over time. It remains permanent until death.

Anyways, enjoy!


Y/N's POV (F/N: First Name | L/N: Last Name)

"Would you like me to recite the rules again to you before you meet your teacher Miss L/N?" The pro hero Midnight asked as we both walked down the halls of UA, so early that I had only spotted two students in the whole school and the sun was still struggling to wake up. For a teacher, she sure doesn't dress like one. Mother said she's a good hero though, despite her appearance.

"Do I really have to have a male teacher? Why can't I have you Ms.?" I didn't want a man teaching me, not after my last school. Or male classmates. But Father said despite my past experiences I mustn't shorten my opportunities to become the No.1 hero, especially when all the best heroes are male. Sexist b#stard. "I'm aware of how your quirk works, and what happened at your last school in Germany. I can assure you though that something like that will not occur here at UA, and you have one of the best teachers this school has to offer. Your parents made it clear that you 'had' to be in the highest pro hero class we provide, so it's lucky a couple of students... left last year." She turns to me before saying "He won't lay a hand on you F/N. And if anyone makes you remotely uncomfortable, please feel free to let me know personally."

It was then I understood exactly why she was being so accommodating. She had a quirk and identity that allowed men to think they had the right to treat us women like mere objects. She had witnessed the unkindness of men, and she clearly trusted Mr. Aizawa. Despite that little bit of reassurance, I was still biting my nails. I needed something to do with my hands, something to focus on, as we walked to the teacher's office.

Midnight looked at me with a small smile before she knocked quickly but quietly three times. It was a heavy moment before the door opened, my stomach dropping as I witnessed the action. A man stood there, but not the one I had been told about. Midnight had described a dishevelled yet handsome man who looked on the brink of death (she found this funny, then asked me to never tell Mr. Aizawa she had said that). Instead, a blonde man with insane hair and an overexaggerated rocker/DJ look stood there, hand still attached to the door as he stared at me, face blank but eyes clouded.

Instinctively I stood behind Midnight, ready to run if anything were to happen. To my surprise, with a quick shake of his head, he stepped away from the door to allow us in, giving me an apologetic look. I guess all the faculty had to be informed of my quirk for safety reasons. I made a note to avoid looking at him again and searched the room for Mr. Aizawa, not seeing him anywhere.

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