Start from the beginning

Yoo Jonghyuk stopped his movements as if satisfied with his answer. He gave another scenario again. “What if you'd find the way, however you can't put it into practice. What would you do?” 

Yoo Jonghyuk also realized it. It was said he was the key to free Kim Dokja from the curse, yet when he recalled the days he's with Kim Dokja, he couldn't remember Kim Dokja doing something strange to him. And the fact that Secretive Plotter also told him the information, means the curse was still functioning. The biggest question in Yoo Jonghyuk's mind right now was ‘Why didn't he try to free himself, if the key was already beside him for 12 years? What he's thinking? What is he planning?’

He was silent for a moment. The question was like a knife stabbing an old wound. It feels to him that Punisher was interrogating him, like she knows Kim Dokja's circumstances. It was then Kim Dokja opened his mouth. “On the contrary, what if I already tried but nothing happened?” 

Kim Dokja's expression was incomprehensible when he said that. Yoo Jonghyuk was inwardly stupefied also. ‘Wait… Does that mean he already failed? But… when?’

“...Then, have you ever tried to ask anyone for help?”

“Well… it's not like asking help could change anythin—”


Kim Dokja was shocked to his wits when Punisher slammed the table. He started wondering why so suddenly? He was just 'obediently' answering her questions and doing a simulation, so what's wrong with it? 

“H-hey! Why are you so serious? We're just assuming things.”

‘So that horrible personality of yours was still on a run, huh? Selfishly burdening all the problems to the point disregarding our help.’ Yoo Jonghyuk angrily thought. He retracted his hand and a small crack could be seen on its previous position.

“Have I told you already?”

Kim Dokja eyebrow raised. He was on guard because of her sudden change of mood that he thought maybe she was on her periods. “What is it now?” 

“...That I dislike that headband.”

When he heard those words again, Kim Dokja made an I-already-had-enough-of-this face. It was then Yoo Jonghyuk childishly added. “Ugly squid.”

Kim Dokja showed a hurt expression.“Wowser. I'm so ashamed when it's directly coming from a great beauty like you.”

The atmosphere between the two lightens up again as they continue to exchange childish insults. Until the meeting time duration came to an end. 


It was morning when Kim Dokja woke up from his usual brief sleep.  It was already an achievement for him not to be sleep deprived, considering the time he spent with Punisher. He checked the date the moment he opened his eyes. 

July 31

Once he saw it, he left the bed and washed himself. Next, he put on his never dirtied classic white coat. He left the building and blended with the crowd.

He usually did this every morning. Kim Dokja explored the Industrial Complex hoping to find the person he's looking for. ‘That's if he was in the Industrial Complex.’

Kim Dokja follows his routine. He visited every market then came to the Etika Clock Store to greet Aileen and the rest. However, he did not expect that once he opened the door, a person familiar to him was already inside. It was a man wearing black coat with an imposing aura. His deep black eyes look at Kim Dokja. 

“Kim Dokja.” 

He didn't speak and just stared at Yoo Jonghyuk. It would be a lie if Kim Dokja said he hadn't missed him, and it wouldn't be a lie if Kim Dokja said he felt great to hear his voice again. “Yoo Jonghyuk… what are you doing here?”

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