Part 1

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Diara ran and ran until some dwellings came in sight. She knocked on one door after the other. She beseeched for help but no one came forward. Doors were slammed on her face and loathe filled words were thrown at her. Helping her would mean death at the hands of the Queen. Tears streamed down Diara's eyes. Her wound had made her weak. She was unable to perform advanced magic. She knew she wouldn't be able to reach the outskirts of the city and escape. Now she saw only one way out, only one person could help her, Henry's grandmother- Lucinda.

She pointed her finger towards the ground and moved it in small circles. A little blue rabbit appeared. "Guide me to Henry's grandmother's house." She gathered her remaining strength and strode down the street following the rabbit. First left, third right and another left until she reached a familiar-looking street. The rabbit stopped in front of one house. She recognized the house. Henry had brought her here once. She knocked at the door and waited for a response.

An old lady answered the door. She was pale and had a hunched back. Her white-grey hair, tucked in a bun, shined bright in the moonlight. Even though her face was completely covered with wrinkles, she looked extremely beautiful. At the sight of her, Diara broke down.

"Grandmother please help me." She begged.

"What happened my child. You and Henry were supposed to run away. Who injured you and where is Henry?" Lucinda asked.

"Henry couldn't make it grandmother". Daise whispered.

Lucinda was taken aback. "Henry, my child". Hot tears poured out from her eyes.

After a few minutes, she huddled herself and coaxed Diara in. She asked Diara to lay down on a bed and herself went into another room. She collected a clean cloth and some herbs to cure Diara's wound. When she came back, she saw Diara lying on the floor, fainted.

" Oh no! Diara, Diara wake up." She pleaded, shaking the body.

She took a step back and brought her hands parallel to the floor. Her palms glowed blue. Diara's body lifted in the air and placed on the bed. She quickly aided the wound. Diara had lost a lot of blood. Her survival was difficult. Lucinda sprinkled water on her eyes. Swiftly, Diara opened her eyes and peeked around. Lucinda stoop by her side. Worry plastered all over her face.

"How do you feel child?" Lucinda asked, her words laced with concern.

"Weak", Diara responded. "How much time do I have grandmother?"

"All will be well," Lucinda replied with a reassuring smile.

Diara knew what this meant. "Please save the baby grandmother. I am only 4 months pregnant. The baby shouldn't die with me", her words were merely a whisper.

Lucinda nodded. Henry's grandmother was a woman of wisdom. She murmured a spell. After hours of consistent enchanting, the baby started to come out. Diara cried in pain and gave birth to a baby boy. She was sweating and breathing heavily. Lucinda showed her the newborn. Diara kissed his forehead.

"Grandmother, please take him and go far away. Please keep him safe", Diara entreated.

"I will", Lucinda reassured, " What will be his name princess?"

"Mike, Mike Henry Geller", announcing her last words, Diara departed to heaven.

Lucinda closed her eyes, covered her body with flowers and prayed for her soul. She created a nutrition bubble around the infant, picked important things, covered the nutrition bubble and scampered towards the road. A drama group was kind enough to give her a lift. They travelled east till they reached a small town called Halford.




It was three in the morning when my cell phone rang, waking me up from my deep sleep. And also scaring the life out of me.

Sluggishly, I stood up from my bed and blearily walked towards my desk, tripping there and then in progress. 'Who was calling me in such an ungodly hour!?'

"Hello?" I murmured sleepily over the phone.

"Yeah hi. Is this. . . Emily?" an unfamiliar female voice spoke over the phone.

I frowned. "Yes, who is this?"

"I am. . ." there was a small pause for a second. "A friend of Mike. Yeah, listen he is completely wasted and can't drive home. He asked me to call you and see if you can pick him up?"

I sighed knowingly; both relieved and worried at the same time. "Yes, of course, where are you?"

The stranger girl gave me an address and a few directions and at the end, I understood the place she mentioned so I told her that I would be there as soon as possible. As we hung up I couldn't help but feel kind of anxious and tired -tired, not because of my lack of sleep but because of Mike's attitude.

Mike always had the reputation of being a 'bad boy'.And no, by 'bad bad' I don't mean the criminal, rebel, wannabe 'bad boy' we see in the movies. No. Mike was more like... the player.

That's why I was more than surprised with myself when I, Emily Ryder, a good, religious girl with perfect grades and good manners started hanging out with him.

Here's chapter 1


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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