chapter 2❤

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Yeona- do you guys already know each other?!?!

Ara- N-No it's just I have heard of him

Yeona- oh okay

Kwan- now let's talk about the mission

Yeona- yeah

Kwan- so our enemies they are trying to take mine and your company. I want you guys to kill them all they are going to be comming to Korea in a 10 this is a secret mission you have 9 days  to plan it now I want both of you to talk and decide how you are going to it me and ara's mother is going to leave.

Tae- okay

Kwan and yeona left from the call.

Tae- so..

Ara- you are very mean I have heard a lot of things about you.

Tae- well I'm a mafia

Ara- ugh whatever

Tae- so let's meet in Korea after a week in (think of any place) at 8:00am

Ara- fine we will have 3 days to plan it out

Tae- yup

Ara- ok than meet you in 7 days

Tae- ok bye

Ara- bye

After hanging up the call ara and tae explained it to their parents of how they are going to meet and plan it.

1 week later

Yeona- ara get up fastt or you are going to miss your flight

Ara- okay

Ara's pov
I quickly got up got ready and went down my flight was 6 I checked if everything I'd packed and went to mom

Ara- mom I'm ready I'll leave now

Yeona- okay take care dear

Ara- okay mom bye take care I love  you

Yeona- I love you too bye

Meanwhile in tae's house

Tae's pov
I got up got ready and went downstairs to dad I told him bye and left for the flight.

Ara's  pov

Oh shoot I'm late I hope I dont miss my flight.

The last boarding announcement happened and...

Hope you guys liked the chapter

Will ara be able to get the flight or will she miss it??

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