"Wooo!!! Good job Lee!! You kicked his ass!!" (Y/n) cheered in between Sasuke and Sakura, earning her a thumbs up from Lee. "Thank you, my love! Now, continue to cheer me on as I beat Sasuke as well!" Lee exclaimed confidently as he got back into his original fight position.

"I will admit, your skills are impeccable, but it will be I who will defeat you," Sasuke said with a confident smirk. "There's no time, Sasuke, we've got to register by 3:00, that's less than half an hour," Sakura said worriedly. "Relax, this will all be over in five seconds," Sasuke said seriously, confident in his abilities to beat Lee.

Sasuke then ran at Lee and goes to punch him, only to miss. "Lead Hurricane!!" Lee yelled as he appeared above Sasuke and went to hit his head, only for Sasuke to duck out of the way. He then landed on his hand and spun his leg at Sasuke again, who goes to block it with his arm.

Suddenly, Sasuke is kicked in the face and sent backward towards Sakura and (Y/n). "Wooo!!! Go, Lee! You can do it!!" (Y/n) cheered as she bounced the pom-poms up and down. When Sasuke tried to get up, he seemed to be having trouble, while Sakura stared at him in worry.

When Sasuke finally got up, Lee is already in the same position as before. "I've been waiting to try this out," Sasuke said with a smirk, a shadow covering his eyes. Sakura gasped in realization, as Sasuke looked up, showing off his Sharingan. "Go get him, Lee!! You can do it!!" (Y/n) kept cheering.

Sasuke then jumped back into action, now confident he'll win, but Lee looked unbothered by the ability. Suddenly, Sasuke is uppercut in the chin by Lee's foot and is quickly sent backward again. "WOO!! What a blow!!" (Y/n) cheered excitedly, while Sakura stood there in disbelief.

"You see, my technique is not Ninjutsu or Genjutsu" Lee explained as he ran at Sasuke. He then swung his leg upwards, when Sasuke dodged, he used his other leg to swing at his side. Instead of using his other leg, he spun a full 180 and kicked Sasuke in the stomach.

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled out, indicating that he woke up. Sasuke tried punching Lee, only for his arm to be caught, and got elbowed in the stomach. "Get him, Lee! You can do it!" (Y/n) still continued to cheer, unbothered by the fact that her teammate is losing badly.

"You get it now? I am using Taijutsu, which means no tricks, Sasuke" Lee said as he got back in his original positioned and vanished from their view. "It's just straight martial arts, nothing more" Lee explained as he appeared behind Sasuke. "Why, you--" Sasuke exclaimed as he swung his arm at Lee, only for him to vanish and land away from Sasuke.

"I know your technique, forget it, it will not work on me, not on me. I know you can see through your opponent's Jutsu, that Sharingan gives you the ability to read their chakra and decipher their hand signs and movements. You can guess what they're going to do almost before he knows himself. The problem is, Taijutsu is a little bit different," Lee explained confidently.

"Right, so what's your point?" Sasuke asked impatiently. "I do not try to hide or disguise my moves, I do not have to. Even if you can read them, you still cannot stop them, you are too slow. Your eyes may be quick enough to stay one step ahead of me, but if your body cannot keep up, what good does it do you?" Lee asked rhetorically.

"You know what? Here is what I believe, there are two different kinds of a ninja. Those like you, are born with talent and do not have to work at it. Then those like me, the ones who have to train every day of our lives!" Lee exclaimed as Sasuke ran at him again.

"Fact is, your Sharingan is the worst match for my extreme Taijutsu" Lee explained as he dodged Sasuke's punch and kick. "here is what I mean!" Lee said as he goes in for the attack and kicked Sasuke in the face. But, while he is in the air, Lee got on all fours and vanishes from his spot, only to appear behind Sasuke.

Insane Love [Naruto Various x JJK Reader] (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora