The Friends

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"What the...there's no way!"

The brown haired girl looked through her backpack ferociously. The shuffles audible from her backpack were like rows of sponges being scratched across a carpet floor. Her pale skinned face reflected the determination she had established for herself to find her headphones as quickly as possible.

"Calm down, I packed all our headphones in one singular bag. I read online that mixing them with clothing can cause friction, which sometimes acts as a charge to cre-"

"Alright smarty-pants, we both know how amazing you are, so thanks for the info, but no thanks."

The red-haired boy was suddenly cut off by his counterpart. He was visibly irritated, his freckled, light-skinned face scrunched together like a sandwich. The black-haired girl next to him, not paying any mind to his anger. She'd rolling her eyes as she finished her thought, her skin tone only enhancing her feelings as of now, attaching a band-aid to the possibility of a argument unfolding.

"Okay you two, no more fumbling anymore. The train's almost here though! Just a few more minutes before our adventure to pursue our dreams start! Are you ready, Riku? You too, Saki! Are yo-"

"Kira! Don't say our names aloud, dumbass!"

Riku and Saki spoke in unison, cutting Kira off. They embarrassed by how loudly their identities were exposed. It wasn't too oblivious to assume that the both of them were quite sensitive on certain topics pertaining to their lives being spoken, or even heard about in public. To them, it felt as scary as jumping off a building.

"But you just said..."

Kira chuckled, a small smile becoming visible on her face. She didn't bother continuing, after all, their little tantrum was kind of cute. She barely got to see them not acting stoic, smart or serious. Her sneakers screeched across the sleek, concrete floor of the train station as she tried to check if the train was arriving.

"Still no sign of it.."

"We probably came too early."

"Or too late. Either way, this is so annoying! Why must we keep waiting like this?! We have 3 different suitcases we lugged around for an hour, and now we've stood here for another hour! C'monnn~!"

Saki said, her voice as irritated as ever.

"Well, trains aren't as frequent as they used to be. After all, the technology behind them changed, just like cars and stuff. The trains now used electricity-fueled engines that connect with the train tracks to get the train moving at hyper speed! That's rare though, hyper speed only actually happens when the conductor deems it safe. Sometimes it's hard to believe we actually managed to advance our technology, from trains to robots to toys all in 5 years!"

Riku said, his inner scientist and curiosity shining as bright as the sun. He had a small beam on his face, sparkles outlining his eyes.

 He had a small beam on his face, sparkles outlining his eyes

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Kira said, uninterested.

"Hey look, the train's here!"

Saki said, pointing to a bright light being revealed as the whole train car into view. The three of them did silent squeals, jumping frantically in excitement as the train slowed in, arriving in the station seconds later. Saki, Kira, and Riku grab their suitcases, and with backpacks strapped on their bags, managed to make it onto the train.


"Yosh! Here we go!"

Sami and Kira cheered happily, clapping their hands as the train left for its next stop. Riku smiled, taking out a quick photo of them in junior high. Riku, of course, is still the tallest now, while the rest were still short, but just by a few inches.

"Here we come, world!"

"Here we come, world!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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