The special diamond...

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Rose - come to my dorm... I know a book in there about the war

Star - let's go

Star - Rose...?

Rose - yea?

Star - what would people think of us hanging out together

Rose - I don't know Star..

Star - there going to think were weird

Star - because I'm a dark fairy and Rose, your a light fairy

Rose - I don't care what they say

Star - wanna fly?

Rose - nah lets walk

Star - okay


Rose - Star over here! The one with the big Star

Star - look empty

Rose - excuse me

Rose - Star you can't open it with your powers

Star - oh

*Rose opens with special key*

Rose - we don't use powers we use keys

Star - I'm getting a really big head acke

Rose - HUH

*star uses fire*

Rose - WHAT THE HECK, I think it because you made a light fairy friend


Rose - I don't feel anything different


Rose - I don't think its going to work, let's just go inside

*uses special key*

Rose - wow... haven't been here in a while....

Rose - CMON!

Rose - it's been so long

Star - at least you dont have skeletons like our dorm

Rose - uhm.. want a tour?

Star - is there anyone here

Rose - Star, they decided to go hang without me

Star - because I don't wanna scare them... Okay! GIVE ME TOUR and then we can read that book

Rose - Okay!

Rose - chill area

Rose - next floor!

Rose - over here we have a getting ready area

Star - woah this is cool, I've never seen make up before did you know that?

Rose - wow

Star - we usually use our powers to do our makeup

Rose - lucky, we actually have to use your HANDS! I know hands



Rose - we have 2 beds looking out

Star - what's in here Rose?

Rose - oh... Thats our treasure room!

Star - am I allowed to go in there, I promise I won't steal anything

Rose - okay fine!

Rose - that's our special diamond!


Rose - Star that won't work!

Star - why not?

Rose - because it special Diamond! It can make more diamonds and grant 5wishes to anyone the commander of the light fairys want it to

Star - wait rose!

Rose - what star?!

Star - maybe we can use it

Rose - how?

Star - The light fairy commander usually have to give it to a different fairy and they can give it to me and I can make 3 wishes

Star - and I'm good! right....?

Rose - Star your really nice but.. I don't think the other fairys would accept.. Because I'm the leader of the light fairys since the other one died in a sacrifice but all the other fairys have to say yes...

Star - well I guess we don't have to use it now but were going to have to use it

Rose - well I can just use it for myself or you but it wouldn't feel right because there's a light fairy rule book...

Star - a rule book?

Rose - yea, all light fairys have to listen to it or they get sacrificed but... it not a rule but it just feel right.. If we really need it I will give it to one of us...

Star - let's go for now and read that book!

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