~Television trouble~

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Peridot shoves Cosmo in a beanbag and reaches for the remote. "I have a few episodes recorded, you're going to love this show, it's about this super-cool heroine who saves the Crystal Kingdom from bad guys!"

Cosmo groans. "Ugh, that sounds just like some cliche magical girl show. I'd rather watch 'The Heart of Music' instead of that."

Peridot raises an eyebrow. "What the heck is that show?"

Cosmo crosses their arms. "It's a romance drama series filmed and made in the Melody Kingdom. It's about a young woman named Violin who fell in love with a handsome guy named Saxophone, but Violin's father Cello doesn't approve of their love because Saxophone is poor, and Violin's is being forced by her father to marry some scrawny rich guy named Accordion who puts himself before others. It's a show full of drama, romance, and it's simply a masterpiece."

Peridot starts looking confused. "Uh, aren't you too young to be watching Romance Dramas?"

Cosmo gasps in surprise by that statement "I don't know, aren't you too young to be doing magic properly?"

Peridot glares in anger and she starts yelling at Cosmo. "Hey! We're about the same age!" She snatches the remote that was lying next to her. "We're watching Pumice, end of story"

Cosmo reaches for the remote. "Nuh-uh! We're watching The Heart of Music!"

Cosmo and Peridot start pulling the remote and arguing with each other. When suddenly a dark shadow looms over them. 

"Hm?" Cosmo and Peridot turn their heads behind them to see The Nightmare Knight looking at them. "What are you two doing? I could hear arguments all the way from the kitchen, so I had to see what is going on in here."

Cosmo and Peridot point at each other and talk at the same time.

Peridot: "They started it!"

Cosmo: "She started it!"

Queen Cordelia walks into the room and pats the two children on the head. "It's alright, you two, how about you watch 2 episodes of Pumice, and then after that, you can watch 2 episodes of The Heart of Music. How does that sound?"

Cosmo and Peridot glance angry glares at each other until replying. "Alright, Fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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