~Getting dropped off~

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Caketown was having a simple evening, until Glitchmaster warped in front of Caketown Castle's front door with a small bunny child at her side.

Cosmo groans with discontent "Glitchmaster, why are you even leaving me here?"

Glitchmaster looms over the small child and begins to speak. "Because I need to plan things with Mistmaster, and I don't want to leave you in the lair by yourself."

Cosmo sighs. "Whatever you say..."

Cosmo knocks on the door.

A voice is heard. "I'm coming!" Queen Cordelia opens the door. "Oh! Hello! Glitchmaster and....Cosmo, is it?"

Cosmo nods. "The one and only!" 

Queen Cordelia motions them to come in. "I'll make sure Cosmo doesn't get into too much trouble. You take care now, Glitchmaster." She closes the door.  "Peridot! Cosmo's here!"

"Alright, Alright! I'm coming!" A green-haired walks out of her room, and glances as Queen Cordelia, then looks at Cosmo. "Hey Cosmo, how are you, partner-in-crime?" Peridot nudges her elbow at Cosmo's shoulder.

Cosmo backs away from Peridot's elbow. "I'm doing just fine, but please for life's sake, don't call me that ever again."

Peridot rolls her eyes and glares jokingly at Cosmo. "Whatever, just come to my room, we can watch Punisher Pumice together!" Peridot grabs Cosmo's arm and starts running to her room.

Cosmo getting dragged by Peridot starts freaking out a bit. "W-what? What's Punisher Pum-"

Peridot slams the door behind them and Cordelia giggles as she watched the pair run into the room. "Huh, I hope they'll get along."

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