20- "Breaking Point"

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Blair usually let bad things happen and wouldn't do anything about them. She would just bottle up everything she was feeling and wait until she couldn't keep it in. And when she let it out, she would hurt the people who matter most to her.

"You played really well," I said quietly as Nate and I rode in the car silently. He didn't say anything. I looked down at my lap and pursed my lip.

"You know for winning state you don't seem that happy," I said looking over at him. His grip on the wheel tightened and he kept driving. I took deeper breaths as Nate turned the air all the way up and to cold.

"Jesus Nate are you trying to freeze me to death?" I asked shivering. He kept driving. I watched as we drove past the city limits sign

"Nate where the fuck are we going?" I asked pulling out my phone. 10:45. I held my breath as he didn't say anything.

"Nate, talk to me," I said staring at him. He kept driving. I crossed my arms as chills ran down my spine. I started texting Rue. I flinched as Nate grabbed my phone and put it on the side of his door.

"Nate what the fuck?!" I yelled. He stayed silent and kept driving. Fuck. After what felt like forever he pulled up at a beach.

"Come on," He said getting out. I furrowed my eyebrows and got out hesitantly.

"Why did we come here there's like 10 beaches by us," I said as cold wind blew against me. I followed him as he walked over towards the water.

"My dad would take me here as a kid, make me run up and down the sand until I was fast enough to beat him. I would scream and cry and throw up everywhere, and I wouldn't stop, because I just wanted to be better then him," Nate said. I looked over at him as I crossed my arms.

"My whole fucking life I've tried to be better then him, and I mean I won the fucking state championship, but I know i'll still never be enough for him," Nate said as tears formed in his eyes. I didn't even want to speak.

"When I get home he's going to beat the shit out of me for not getting a touchdown earlier, or for spending time with you instead of the team," He continued staring at the water as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"One time he threw me on the ground and beat the fucking shit out of me until I was sobbing on the ground, curled up in a ball," he said as his hair blew in the wind. I stared at him feeling sorry.

" I could send him to fucking jail, I have video evidence of him fucking a minor," He said angrier as his voice got louder. I still looked at him.

" And I fucking hate him and want to end his god damn life," Nate yelled. I flinched as he threw his hands against the back of his head.

"But he's my dad and I, I cant, cause I love my dad, he's fucking psycho and deserves to be fucking killed, but, I cant," Nate said screaming. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Fuck!" He yelled as I flinched.

"Fuck," He muttered as he started crying. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me tightly and sobbed into my hair. I flinched as he shoved me back.

" No, don't fucking comfort me, I deserve to feel like this," Nate said crying.

"My mom's cheating on my dad," I said staring at him.

"Yeah, and my brother isn't ever home anymore cause he's out fucking whoever the hell he wants since his girlfriend and him broke up," I continued.

"Geneva's in love with some child drug dealer," I added. I couldn't shut my mouth.

"Rue's not sober and it's probably because of me, I mean she could overdose at any second and die and then what the fuck would I do, Maddy fucking hates me, Cassie won't talk to me, and McKay and I decided to be besties now even though I almost fucked him, and that's when you put me in a chokehold and almost suffocated me like the psychotic and toxic boyfriend you are. And I feel like I have the whole damn towns secrets on my back and I'm this fucking close to losing my mind," I screamed throwing my hands in the air. Shit. Nate stared at me emotionless.

"How the fuck can you make this about you?" He asked angrily.

"You make everything about you so maybe it's time somethings about me," I said taking a deep breath. He scoffed and took a step putting his hands around my neck.

"See, here you go again," I choked out.

" You make everything about you, cause your a selfish bitch who wants to get fucked by every guy in town, and if I didn't know any better I would think you want to get fucked by every girl in this town too," he yelled. I listened to the waves hit each other in the background.

" You're the one choking me right now," I said gasping for air. He tightened his grip.

" Shut the fuck up!" He yelled in my face. I shut my eyes as his warm breath hit my face.

" Your treating me the way your dad treats you," I said grinning softly. I watched his face fill with rage as he pulled back his fist. I took a sharp breath as I waited for him to hit me.

"Do it," I said laughing as tears stained my cheek. He pursed his lips and tilted his head hesitantly.

"Fucking do it!" I screamed as he slammed his fist across my face. I didn't even feel it. I just felt blood coming from my lip. I looked up at him as he let go of me. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He stumbled back and took stuttered breaths. I felt as warm tears escaped my eyes and blood seeped out of my nose. I felt an anger burn in my chest. Running up to him I shoved him back. He kept his gaze on me. I slapped him repeatedly and punched his stomach. He didn't even flinch or seem like he was hurt. He just let me hit him. I took small breaths as I sobbed, eventually stopping my punching. I wiped the blood from my face. He had blood on his chin and cheek.

"I can't fucking be with you!" I screamed.

"Look at us!" I added running my hands through my hair. I felt like I was losing my mind.

"You treat me like shit, all manipulative and toxic, fuck you!" I screamed shoving him back. He kept his gaze on me.

"I deserve better! I deserve a guy who truly loves me and treats me well," I said crying.

"You treat me like shit, but I still love you," I said softly as my voice broke. Tears rolled down his cheek.

" I love you Blair," Nate said cupping my cheeks with his hands. I shook my head crying.

" I deserve to be happy, and the only way for me to be happy is by ending this," I said crying.

" I love you so much, you're the only reason I haven't fucking killed myself," Nate said pulling my face closer to his.

"Don't say that Nate," I said closing my eyes.

"It's fucking true, please Blair, please don't leave me, I love you, and I treat you well, I do," He said. Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe this is all in my head.

"Just stay with me," He said pressing his forehead against mine. I held his hands with mine.

"Okay," I said reluctantly.

"I love you so much Blair," He whispered before pulling me in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair. I set my head on his shoulder as my tears rolled down my cheeks. I hated Nate, I really did, but I loved him more, and I couldn't give up on him. Not now.

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