"Absolutely!" Tinsely rushed out of the room.

Diana walked in the park with Tinsley, many things were deeply ingrained in her mind on how she wanted to start the very important conversation but it always seemed to follow back to the kiss. She kept finding herself touching her lips at the memory and smiling. The area of the park where they were to meet was near the serpentine and secluded surrounding them with trees and flowers that were inching toward bloom.

"Oh, Diana we must be careful!" Tinsely said glancing around nervously at the park goer's scattered around. 

"I know so you must keep an eye out." Diana whispered when they reached the crest of a small hill. On the other side, all worry seemed to be forgotten as she found the Prince below with his groom and horse. He was dressed in the same traveling coat and hat the first night she saw him in the study. Diana smiled heading down toward him, feeling the butterflies in her stomach go wild the closer she drew near.

The groom and horse joined Tinsley to keep watch and Diana saw something on the ground next to him. A picnic basket and a small blanket, she looked at it in surprise.

"I know we don't have much time but I wanted to steal as much of it with you." he smiled, gently taking her hand and guiding her toward him. Diana breathless looked up amazed wondering if she was still dreaming after all.

"Is this your way of apologizing." she teased.

"Apologizing?" he asked amused. "For last night? I have nothing to apologize for unless you did not..." he started eyes growing wide in horror.

"No...not that! Never for that but for letting my brother get socked that he couldn't face my mother for breakfast." Diana laughed as relief fell on his face.

"I hope I never get used to your teasing...and cheekiness." he sighed giving her a lopsided grin as they settled next to each other on the small blanket.

"Well, I know I will never get used to yours. After all, you did steal my first kiss." she laughed. 

At this, he raised his brow and then looked embarrassed before turning serious. "That is not how your first kiss should be, I apologize profusely."

"Oh no! Please, it's everything unexpected in the most.....wonderful way!" Diana exclaimed regretting her previous words.

"I will make it up to you then." he smiled, his gaze falling on her lips.

"Oh?" Diana's next words forgotten her eyes brightened and feeling flushed with the way he was looking at her.

"I must." he said huskily. "It is an art with many types of flavors, I would be happy to show you."

Diana wasn't sure when his hand found the side of her face. She was much too preoccupied with the soft lips that found hers. Breathless at the sweetness and softness of his kiss a sharp contrast from yesterday, she responded back savoring the taste of him falling into a bliss that she had never known could exist. When he drew back he seemed satisfied at decomposing her. Rewarding her with another lopsided grin.

"I never knew there could be so many different types of....kissing." Diana said in wonder.

 "You'll know them all one day." he grinned darkly reaching for the basket before Diana could ask more questions.

"I have brought a small fare." he said presenting sandwiches and pastries she hadn't seen before. "Some of these from my home country that I think you would enjoy."

"Really!" Diana grinned brightly delighted.

"Should we...talk first?" Diana paused as he loaded her small plate. A small sad smile broke across his face before turning to her. "Let us just enjoy this moment, this afternoon I just want to be Freddie and you Diana."

"Ok, Freddie and Diana it is." she smiled softly before planting a soft kiss of her own. He let out a shaky breath, his blue eyes looking back at her with adoration making her melt even more. "I don't think you'll ever understand how much I will savor every moment of this." he replied tucking a stray hair behind her ear. 

Diana looked at him thoughtfully and knew that the future was very much uncertain with this new and wonderful thing. Deep down she feared Dominic's words and decided that this afternoon was important and she would not spoil it for either of them. So in the small precious hours, she committed everything around her to memory, the sound of the birds, the small breeze, and the flowers about to bloom. Most of all she committed to the memory of her Prince, his dimpled smiles, his humor, intelligence, and sweetness. Laughing and talking like they were the only two people in the quiet park stealing more secret kisses and relishing whatever they could before they face the world beyond the hill. 




A/N: I'm about to ruin their lives in the next few chapters. Don't worry they will have a HEA, but be prepared for some angst, pinning, and jealousy. ;)



A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now