Chapter 1

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It was a starry night. Gentle shimmers of moonlight were shining through my windows.
It was truly peaceful... But I couldn't sleep.

Against my better judgement, I had been drinking coffee late in the evening. A lot of coffee. I stupidly thought the caffeine would have worn off by now. Oh, how wrong I was.
I was wide awake, my brain going into overdrive. I was painfully motivated to get out of my bed and turn my life around!
So I got up, cleaned a bit around my room, hoping the sleepiness would eventually reach me.
It didn't.
I tied up my hair, I did some push ups, not too many though.
I was exhausted.
But still.
Made a sandwich, ate it, watched TV. Nothing.

It wasn't even that late, it was only 9 PM, but tomorrow was a work day and I really needed to get some rest.

That's it. I have to get some fresh air or something! Even if I have to call in sick tomorrow. Whatever. Didn't even want to go to that stupid job.
So I put some clothes on, grabbed my coat, and left the house.


It was cold. Colder than I expected.
I passed by the vet, the supermarket, walked a bit more, and gazed up at the Spirits and Such Consultation office. Huh. I wonder how they even stay in business... I doubt there are many "spirits" in Seasoning city.

I was so wildly awake that I even felt like taking a peek inside to see what they actualy do. I had been curious about it since the day I moved into the neighborhood, but it was way to sketchy for me to go in. Until now I guess.

I walked up to the door. Closed, it said.
Ah, maybe its for the better.

So I got on with my walk, heading towards god knows where.
It was getting darker and darker, and as I walked, the air felt as if it was getting thicker. It was getting hard to breathe. Maybe I should head back...
Since it was a weekday, the streets should have been bustling with people, but weirdly enough, there was nobody around, and everything was awfully quiet.
I was really creeped out, but even then, something told me to keep going.

As I walked further, two shadowy figures appeared in front of me.
It was a man in a suit and a middle-school aged boy. I found comfort in knowing I wasn't alone. They were talking, and the older guy was pointing at something in the sky. They didn't notice me.
I approached them, and as I did, I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. I looked closer to see what they were looking at, and the sight shook me to my core.

"This is a big one, Mob. You can handle it right?" the man said to the boy. "No shame in asking your master for help, heheh..." He placed his hand on his chest confidently and did a really cheesy grin. But if you looked a bit closer, you would be able to see that he was actually sweating bullets. And I couldn't blame him. The thing standing before us was...frankly, terrifying.

On closer inspection, what I foolishly believed to be just a weirdly shaped cloud formation, was actually a cluster of humanoid faces, their eyes bulging out, like in horror movies. They all looked to be in a lot of pain. And, at the center of it all, a face like I've never seen before. His features were sunken in and his skin was awfully dry, like it wanted to peel itself off. He looked so exhausted, it was actually kind of impressive how tired he managed to look.

"It's fine, I should easily be able to exorcise him."
"Ok, do your thing, Mob."
As soon as the man said that, the boy stretched his arm towards the sky, and with one swift blow, the cluster of faces blew up in mid air. The shock wave from the explosion jolted me backwards. I landed on my feet but, feeling dazed from what had just occurred, I lost my footing, tripping and hitting my head agains the cold, painfully hard concrete.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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