When Pekora took her bombs out, Fauna instantly stood up from her chair and moved her hands in different motions. The bunny and shrine maiden were covered in strings of plants, unable to move or even make a move.

"We have it enough, you two are here to work together, stop that childish act now", the keeper of nature was stern and anger rose inside of her, the furious aura should show as a sign of menace. Miko was instantly quiet after seeing the stare, Pekora on the other hand, tried hard to escape, but couldn't, the plant rope was too thick and strong on her skin. She gave up after a minute of trials.

"Okay since you two don't behave that well, I'll send you on a mission of a month outside the council", the speaker of space announced out of the blue, everyone was looking confused at Sana for blurting that out without reason.

"Okay everyone, I'll explain...", Sana had this idea of dropping them for some months in the world to find more clues, maybe even find the culprit personally. Miko and Pekora didn't seem convinced, but agreed yet again to make that thing called teamwork happen. Sana gave each of them a small universal walkie-talkie, so that they could contact the council anytime about several news.

In short, Miko and Pekora were situated into the world, long paths and abandoned city awaited them. For now, they were somewhere, nowhere a soul was at, the buildings felt so old, Miko almost mistook the whole city for ruins. Taking glances from reality, the shrine maiden could see with her own eyes how this world turned out to look like.

"Just how Sana and Fauna described it, everything looks like lost battlefield, it's getting covered by nature", Miko touched the plants, feeling how lively the plants were. Unlike Pekora, she was just looking around, not feeling very happy being here in a quiet place where only the wind could be felt and heard.

"Shall we go ? Finding that thing ?", Miko asked softly, pointing at one direction. With a lot of patience, she waited for the rabbit going along with her, since it was their goal.

"Let's go, maybe if we find that creature, Pekora can throw bombs at it", the rabbit giggled, Miko wasn't very happy about her future actions, but at least they were on their way to find the black thing everyone was talking about and made Amelia panic in fear. Suddenly they heard a noise coming from their pockets, it was the walkie-talkie.

"Hello, can you hear me ?", it was Sana's voice, calling for the maiden and the rabbit. Her voice was a little bit disturbed, machines never work properly how they should.

"Yes we hear you"

"Okay that's great to hear you two are still together"

"Oiii we are forced okay"

"Yes, yes I'm joking around, actually, I have something for you and if you tell me your location, I give it to you through a portal", Miko got the location from the universal walkie-talkie, it was one of the council ones after all. Sana thanked Miko and made a portal near them, on top they could see it and something popped out of the portal. Miko and Pekora observing what the council gave them, it was shiny and hard. It was armor, the best one for them, but no weapons, they needed more protection than weapons.

After putting the armor on them, their way continued, from city to city. Fellow humans attacked them during their search for the beast, yet they weren't allowed to kill any of those psychos. Miko could actually spawn a ball of protection, no-one could enter without Miko's permission, just like that, the search was easier....

"Huh ? Where are the two ?", Baelz asked, confused at how they were nowhere to find. Taking a look at the meeting room, zero present. Reaching the waterfall inn, chaos found the speaker and the keeper naked in the water, relaxing their bodies with the warm water and the herbs and talking easy-going.

"Hey you two, where are the two chosen ones ?", Bae asked again, but this time the question was for Fauna and Sana. Both of the naked women turned around to find the rat's confused look, mixed with frustration.

"Oh, Bae, nice to see you, wanna take a nice time here too ?", Sana offered her, Baelz knew if she wouldn't enter, she couldn't get an answer from them. So she undressed herself and entered in the water too, she felt her muscles relax instantly.

"So ? What do you want to talk about Bae ?", Fauna asked softly, enjoying the inn together with her friends. The sound of the small waterfall was calming and helped everyone focusing on other thoughts than the serious ones.

"Where are Pekora and Miko ?", chaos asked once more, plus she wasn't fooling around and so did her serious voice.

"Oh, I sent them to the outside world", Sana explained simply, she showed Baelz an innocent soft smile as if it was alright with the sudden decision. Bae next to the two beauties had her eyes open.

"You did what ?"

"I uhhhh, I sent them to the outside world"

"Oh no Sana...tell me you didn't"

"Bae, I did it, what's the problem ?"

"Sana, they were here to help with the clues and hints, no further investigations, oh no....Kronii will kill me", Baelz was panicking, the warden of time wouldn't be pleased to hear these rushed decisions that came out of nowhere.

"Kronii will totally kill us", chaos repeated, nobody wanted to see or feel Kronii's anger...Kronii's rage would be the worst...

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