Chapter 193

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On Prime world...

One moment Brody had been fighting Jacob in the wood. He was top on him with his knife a few inches from his face when there was a flash of amber light and the two found themselves knocked apart. They had a moment of confusion before they scrambled to their feet and were about to go at it again when there was a white flash and the woods disappeared from around them.

The next thing he knew he found himself locked into an old fashioned pillroy. Fear filled him as he struggled to get out only to find the attempt was futile. He was locked in tight.

"Where are we?" Jacob said as he fought against his restraints.

"I don't know." Then he smelled it. The smell of radishes and cabbage. "Oh no."

"What?" Jacob said.

"We're on Prime World." Brody announced to his dismay.

"Prime world?" Jacob said. "You mean we are on another Earth."

"Not just any other Earth." Brody said. "The Earth of the Imps." A gust of wind hit them assaulting them with the putrid smells of the estate. Brody's stomach churned as he was certain he would be sick any moment.

"Imps?"  Jacob said with a tone of disgust in his voice. 

"Yes Imps."  Brody said. "Which your beloved Simon is half by the way."

"No he's not."  Jacob angrily said.  "You're lying."

"Oh I assure you he is telling you the truth."  Ajax said as he walked over to them.  

"No, he can't be."  Jacob said. "I refuse to believe it."

Ajax shrugged his shoulders. "It matters very little to me what you believe Jacob, it does not change the fact that it is true."

"He's been brainwashed by Simon."  Brody said.

"No, I haven't."  Jacob angrily said.

Ajax looked at him confused.  "I don't understand what that means. How do you wash a brain?"  He then inspected Jacob's head. "Did he cut his head open."

"No it just means that Simon made him believe things that are not true."

"He manipulated his mind."

"He did not manipulate my mind." Jacob yelled as tried to bust from the stocks again. "Simon would not do that."

"I assure you he would."  Ajax said. "That is what the Prime Simon did on this world.  He found easy to manipulate people and turned them into his loyal followers."  Ajax pulled out the flute. "But I can help you."  

"Don't you dare."  Jacob said as he began to play the flute.  "Stop it." Tears began to run his down cheeks as he continued to scream for him to stop.  "Don't do this to me....don't...."  Jacob's words were cut off as his true self emerged.  He then let out a gasp as the memories of the last couple of days flooded his mind.  Every horrible thing he had done.  He could see face of the people he killed, that he murdered.  Tears stung at his eyes as he said "What I have done."  He let out a sob as a cloud of shame and remorse hung over him.  One that he did not believe would ever leave him. "All those people at the Fang bar, I killed them."

Brody looked at him in compassion. "Its okay Jacob."  He said. "Its not your fault.  It wasn't you, it was him.  He made you do those things."

An impatient look crossed Ajax's face. "Can we get to why I brought you here."

"Fine."  Brody cast him an annoyed glance. "Why have you brought us here."

"Evan made a deal with me."

"I know to release Puck and Sprite from the vault."

"He hasn't delivered."  Ajax said.

"Well he has been a little busy trying to stop a sociopath who was bent on killing everyone he loved about."  Brody said.

"I don't care." Ajax said.  "He promised me that he would return Puck and Sprite and he did not to do it.  So now I have to give him incentive."

"So you kidnapped us."  Brody said.

"Why me?"  Jacob asked. "I mean I understand Brody.  He's his boy but I am nothing to him."

"You are not nothing to him." Brody said.  "Evan cares about you."

"Yeah right." Jacob smirked. 

"He does care about you."  Ajax said. "That is why I brought you here. I kidnapped two of his friends and I am not going to return you until he brings me mine."  

"Which he will."  Brody said. "There was no reason to kidnap us. If he said he was going to do it he was going to do it."

"Well he better do it soon."  Ajax said. "Or he will not like the consquences."

"What is that suppose to mean?"  Brody said.

"Simple." Ajax said. "If he does not bring me Sprite and Puck by tomorrow morning I am going to have punish him."

Goosebumps erupted across Brody's flesh. "Puniah him?"

"Yes punish. One of your pillroys will turn into a guillotine if they are not here by tomorrow."  Ajax replied. "And if they are still not here by tomorrow afternoon the other one will too."

"Then you will lose your bargaining chips."  Jacob said.  "That would not be a smart move to execute your only leverage,"

"Its okay Jacob the red."  Ajax said. "I can always get more."

As he walked away the two tried to get out of their bonds to no avail.

War of the Unnaturals the continuationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant