Bearing Gifts

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The Beavers lead our way across the frozen river. Theoretically, if something were to happen. If the ice were to break, or enemies were waiting for us on the other side, they'd be the first in danger. It's their job to deliver us to Aslan, whether we like it or not. And they're very determined to complete their mission.

Then, Susan trudges along. Ever sure of herself, of her capabilities and her logical reasoning skills. In her mind, all is well. This river's been frozen for a hundred years! What could four children and two beavers really do to make the ice break?

Next is Peter. Holding his head high as he crosses, keeping an eye out for anything that may be out of place. Perfectly in between his sisters so that if anything happens, he can get to either of them in time.

Ahead of me is Lucy. Her feet barely lifting when she walks, slowly kicking snow up around her as she moves forwards. She's tired. Of course she is, a hike through the snow would be difficult for the girl regardless. But seeing as she's only got a coat- no hat, no gloves. Only her little buckled shoes and a skirt underneath that coat to keep her warm. She's tired, but she's determined. Still crossing the river without so much as a complaint.

Lastly, I follow behind the others. Making sure they're all in my line of sight in case anything goes wrong. I cannot control this world I've found myself in, not like how I could write happy endings to all my fairytales. But, if I pay enough attention, I may just be able to prevent awful things from happening.

If I had paid more attention to Edmund...

These children are my responsibility. Mine. Not just because of what Macready told me, not because they were in the house where I lived. Not because they stumbled through the wardrobe in the room that I've passed a thousand times.

Not even because I'm their queen. My birthright title as High Queen of Narnia. No, it's much simpler than that.

They're my responsibility because I love them. Like a family, a family I've never quite known, but I'd like to. The way that Susan uses logic in a way that makes her glow with confidence. The way that Edmund just wants to be seen, and how we've all failed him in that regard. The way that Lucy wishes to befriend every little creature in this world, from the tallest giant to the littlest ladybug.

The way that Peter looks at me. Even when he's angry, he looks at me as if I can do no wrong. As if...perhaps as if the love I feel for him is mutual? In what way, only time will tell. But for the moment, just us caring deeply for one another is enough.

It's what's made me fall in love with this family. They're so effortlessly themselves. They're perfect, even with all of their faults. I'd always imagined having siblings. What it would be like?

Maybe I don't need to wonder anymore.

"Come on, humans! While we're still young." Mr. Beaver calls to us, urging us to move faster across the river.

"If he tells us to hurry one more time..." Peter begins, stopping for a second as the three of us walk to him. He bends down, picking Lucy up to give her a ride on his back. "...I'm gonna turn him into a big, fluffy hat."

Susan walks on his left side, as I come around to his right. Lucy wears a happy smile as she no longer has to walk through the snow.

"Hurry up! Come on!" The beaver calls, something about his tone making me feel as if something's off.

"He is getting a little bossy." Lucy tells us.

"No! Behind you, it's her!" Mrs. Beaver calls. We turn around, looking at a chariot following our bath across the river. It's pulled by reindeer, or maybe elk?

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